Who Taught Jesus To Drive?

He looked me over, this vehicle that was in need of repair. Still, he wanted to take me out for a drive and promised to treat me with care. He offered to take me to places I’ve never been and see things I’ve never seen. He offered to drive so I gladly tossed him myContinueContinue reading “Who Taught Jesus To Drive?”

So tired / Rough doesn’t even begin to explain…

The past few weeks have not been kind, I’ve been finding my heart and losing my mind, Some things just weren’t meant to be kept in the vault of your thoughts, they should be set free so that those things that plague you can never again haunt. I wondered where my resolve was when theContinueContinue reading “So tired / Rough doesn’t even begin to explain…”

Hard Times

Desperate to make sense of the world around me, I use my senses to feel out my truth. Not as smart as when I was in my youth. I either give too much away or nothing at all – and so is the ebb and tide of my mind, as it rises to fall….short ofContinueContinue reading “Hard Times”