Save You / Blogtober: Day 2 / Suicide and Me

I’ve lived the lies of a thousand women and have no room to speak the truth. But it hangs overhead like an ominous thought bubble, just following me around and alerting you. Why can’t you see past the oblivion clouding your vision? Why can’t you remember all the bad  I’ve done or is forgetting yourContinueContinue reading “Save You / Blogtober: Day 2 / Suicide and Me”

Ring – Day 1

The phone rings its angry shrill notification of the woman on the other end. I ignore it and the argument sure to ensue after the previous night’s outing because I’m safe at home. I know she’s sitting on the other end fuming with tears in her eyes and possibly pouting because she’s all alone. WhatContinueContinue reading “Ring – Day 1”