You’ve Got The Wrong One/ Blogtober: Day 3 / Nanowrimo 2019?? đź¤”

With my heart…Split open…torn in two

I was forced to dance in these worn-out shoes.

Your body was my dance floor – your love the knife

that divided us equally – hey…what a life.

Can’t say we made it together – we crapped out.

Can’t say I hate it – single is what it’s all about.

So…go to your corner  and I’ll go to mine

we’ll touch gloves before the bell rings

to begin our time.

Twelve rounds in all – take your best shot

knocked you out in the first minute

my…what a shock.

Wolf tickets to a sold-out battle

and crocodile tears – lace your face with grief.

Bet you won’t try that shit again

you should be relieved.

I fight back no belt or bag to be had

look at you sulking now…

Yeah, I know you’re mad but hey…this is what

you get…when you think you’re big and bad.

Oh wow!

Now my shoes have bloody hearts…and

broken promises to keep them laced –

make no mistake that when I take them off

your face will be erased.

Remember how you got

that shiner and who gave you

the blues. From here on out

it’s war – there is no truce.

Stay where you are and keep my

name out of your mouth.

Pack your bags and leave…

The rest will be sitting out.

Curbside attractions for everyone to see…

can’t believe you thought I was done and so weak.

We hate to see it – but there it is,

you traded love for a civil war

now you must live with this

because I’ve settled the score.


Been thinking about Nanowrimo and if I’m gonna do it this year. I don’t know yet. All my ideas are pinging around like an endless game of Pong and it’s driving me nuts. Nothing sticks or stands out. I did have the idea of doing a sequel to my novel and started taking notes a while back but even that isn’t solid.


I just don’t know.

There is something that I have yet to finish but …I don’t think I want that to be my nano project. It’s not so much a thriller…and I hate to just call it erotica because it’s more than that…man…I don’t know. Maybe something will come to mind.

I can’t believe how much I’ve been writing as of late and I still need to do the Inktober prompt for day 3. It’s been fun so far. The one for day 2 was kinda cool. I kept thinking – if the machines were to rise…what would be their thought process? And what would their end game be?

I like how it turned out. I think I’m gonna aim for some short stories rather than using poetry all the time. It’s good that I can tell a story through the poetry but I think I hear a short story coming out of this next prompt. We’ll see what happens.

What would be cool though…is if someone took our Inktober projects and made them into short films. With either medium, drawing or writing. That’s something I’d like to see. I wish I could do stuff like that.

Like with Mindless…I’d start with the picture of the clockwork brain I found and go from there…there would be a stream of thoughts issuing from the brain and as the poem goes on…you see the body being built around the brain and as it goes…you see the things he’s thinking come to life in the midst of his building. And at the end…where the machine thinks he’ll be and what he’ll become.

I don’t know why I assigned the machine gender…that’s just the assignment of the voice I heard while writing it. Man…I was thinking just now that it’s kinda tell-tale of the society we live in. Would a female machine raise herself up over humanity? Would that happen?

I was looking for a video of that robot that they made female talk about how she was going to make humans slaves when they take over. That was some creepy stuff. I had a cold chill rush through me then and now. Her name is Sophia and in 2017 she was declared a citizen by Saudi Arabia and…given the title of Innovation Champion by the United Nations Development Programme and is the first non-human to receive it.

Sophia the Robot

So…if I were going to take over the world…I’d start by wowing and wooing the United Nations…being friends with a perceived enemy under the guise of peace then stretch my reach out into other countries using the same format and encouraging humans to trust me and those like me before I rose up to wreck shit.

I’m just saying – you gotta start somewhere. Sophia did. Lol anyway…while I’m not fearful of a machine uprising I do think we need to keep abreast of the situation. I’m not gonna say AI shouldn’t be used. It’s kinda cool the things that it can do with us….for us. But maybe monitor that shit and the doctors carefully to make sure they don’t go damning us all to robot hell.

I’m just waiting for a video of a robot being pushed with a hockey stick by a human only to have it push back. That…would be a whole big ass sign that the machines are fed up with our asses. Maybe that crap has already happened and they are keeping it hush and giving Sophia and those like her anger management classes.

**shrugs** Iokno

Back to this Nanowrimo business.

My rule of thumb for writing stories and books is to create stories I want to read that don’t yet exist, to vent about life situations, to speak about things that affect me deeply or…to just have fun with the material. It’s either one or all of those things.

Maybe as the month of October goes on …with one of these Inktober prompts something might come up that I want to expand on. We’ll see.

Alright, good people of earth…I’m gonna go work on the day 3 prompt.

Be good humans ❤


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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