Self-Made / Blogtober: Day 4 / Hungry and Haunted 🌮👻

You set fire to the clouds just to watch them burn, dripping embers to the Earth below. What a strange way to greet your subjects, your attention we earn with such a violent hello. Taken under – we swim in the oceans of night and cause great thunder. I walk amongst the stars ripe with your seed, we collide and burst into brilliance across the night sky to feed.

I gave birth to Andromeda and watched as she swallowed the Milky Way whole. She wanted to steal the stars out of the black velvet that drapes the lands and turn them to coal. Diamonds to be discovered in another time, perhaps, when we come to power –  until then we’ll stand in the glow of the Leonid rain to have this shower.

Glowing our skin is iridescent to the eye. No tears shall form, not even a single cry.

We’ll inscribe our names and etch our forms across the Sun’s surface for all to see. World upon world to bring us worship as they fall on bended knee. Drench the fires and solar fares with the waters of the Amazon to cool our feet. Bringing the Nile to cut a path across its surface where our souls meet.

Sparks will fly on the winds and set fire to those souls that would see us burned out. Not now, not ever. Our flash is momentary but our light is legendary and will be spoken of throughout the heavens no doubt. This is how gods are made. Sculpted of the purest marble…gilded with the purest gold. Our union will be the greatest story ever heard, the greatest story ever told.


^^^ When you try to recapture the magic of a poem you recited to yourself away from pen and paper and computer but forget it. Lol Man, I had to piece my thoughts together I’d forgotten so much of it. I hate it when that happens.

It’s a good day today. This weather is amazing and I’m wearing pants and long sleeves today while walking around in socks…a HUGE change from two days ago where it was good and hot and humid. I thought it was going to rain but it didn’t. Not a drop.

Two days of 60-degree weather. Fall is here!

Now…I am all for fall things but that pumpkin spice stuff…no. Nope. Not a fan. Give me cinnamon apple or sweet potato. Give me cinnamon anything and I’m good. No on the pumpkin and pumpkin spice. Ick! Now allspice….will turn my head in your direction. Spice cake! Allspice pie…you got me. I will gladly partake.

No pumpkin spice
I love the frikkin Internet!

This will be a short post today. Not the thousand words I usually gross per post lately.  It’s Friday and I have things to do. I gotta write up my prompt for the word “Freeze”, I gotta do some shopping and I gotta eat which I have not done today. I’ve just been drinking coffee and water all day. No appetite until about an hour ago and I’ve been busy with other things and people.

Let me tell y’all something about elderly aunts. Man….They are not only a handful but they are a mess and then some.

Look… Earlier on Facebook I posted a little quip about how my day was going.

“Smh…Slick as grease out there in these streets” With laughing emojis.

So…my cousin comes over this afternoon and was here early this morning helping her mother (my aunt) get ready. She tells me that the woman is being slick and smooth with not taking her medication. Today she tried to spit it out. I told her what happened the other day with her telling me she took it but wouldn’t let me see her take it. She just kept saying she took it. We think she’s been spitting it out and throwing it away.

This lady …this morning…held it in her mouth while my cousin was watching her! And tried to get up to run to the bathroom to spit it out. She was stopped and told to open her mouth. So she had to swallow it to open her mouth and was mad. Lol

Ugh…the shenanigans of this woman slays my spirit. We’ve been trying to tell her how important it is for her to take her medicine. It’s like talking to a kid. She has earned the title “Big Baby” truly she is. So I’m like….what are we going to do with her? Short answer – key an eye on her.

Then last night, in the middle of the night I heard knocking. Not sure where it was coming from or who was doing it but I decided that staying in bed was the best course of action. If they wanted to gain entry they should have come at a decent hour and if it was coming from inside the house…I’m gonna say what I said last night…”Dammit ghost, calm tf down! I’m trying to sleep.”

Yeah…I was cranky and unphased. Lol The ghost could have been warning me of something big and I didn’t care. I was tired. Oh yeah…my house is haunted. In case y’all didn’t know.

Yeah. There have been occasions where I have had things knocked out of my hands I thought it was my own clumsiness but the way it happened, nah…it wasn’t me. Like a bowl of cereal literally flipped up and out of my hands. Same with a bunch of strawberries I had. Apparently, Mr. or Ms. Or Mrs…whoever the hell occupying my house thinks I should go on a diet and I’m really close to listening. Lol

Man, I thought this was going to be short. I’m about to break a thousand words. Oh well…anyway I’m starving and need foodz. I will see you all later on tonight with my Day 4 prompt.

You know the drill, do you?

Be good humans ❤


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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