Husky (Day – 6)

I’d heard much about this house from various family members and colleagues over the years. I thought it high time to come see for myself what the deal was. My crew, the lucky seven I called them, were all ready to see as well. We ran into a few snags here and there on theContinueContinue reading “Husky (Day – 6)”

Judge Not / Blogtober: Day 6 / Sunday Reflections

Sunday dressed up with no place to go…religious love in the air Or maybe that’s all for show – loving thy fellow man to his face cursing him behind his back…swearing allegiance to Him but it’s the God’s honest truth they lack. Making plans for the end times, getting right with our savior but that’sContinueContinue reading “Judge Not / Blogtober: Day 6 / Sunday Reflections”

Build (Day – 5)

He lays in bloody pieces all over the floor – More of him is scattered outside my bedroom door. I’m taking a popular concept only this isn’t for play… Instead of Build – A Bear I’m going to build a whole man today.   Parts from ex beaus will do just the trick And I’llContinueContinue reading “Build (Day – 5)”