Truth / Blogtober: Day 8 / whine…

Woke up feeling like complete and utter shit instead of feeling like brand new or a mint Can’t manage to wrap my head around the fact that I’m awake and breathing oh but looks are deceiving. I come off happy go lucky and full of life. Inside I’m questioning everything and everyone – and IContinueContinue reading “Truth / Blogtober: Day 8 / whine…”

Blogtober: Day 7 / The writing…am I right?? Yeah…

No poem tonight. I can’t even think of one right now. My brain is spent after penning a 5k word short story. It took me two days to do. Why I don’t know…usually only takes a couple of hours. I feel like having something stronger than soda. I  would be nice to relax with aContinueContinue reading “Blogtober: Day 7 / The writing…am I right?? Yeah…”

Enchanted (Day – 7) (holy crap!)

Testing…testing… Entry 1 of auto-type session October 7th, 2019 Ahem… …I’ll have to edit that…and this too. I found it there sitting next to a S II series 1946 Canon and an ancient nearly destroyed Linn LP 12. I couldn’t believe the owner let something as awesome as those things get so rundown. I wincedContinueContinue reading “Enchanted (Day – 7) (holy crap!)”