Hues of Life / Blogtobber: Day 17/ It’s a day, you know?

There are days my mind goes to color…the rich reds of blood, the bright hues of yellow, and the royal tones of blue and purple for school teams. I see myself draped in evergreen and with an assortment of rainbow sprinkles dotting my landscape…Earth as it were, is a better dresser than I, it seems.ContinueContinue reading “Hues of Life / Blogtobber: Day 17/ It’s a day, you know?”

Wild (Day 16)

Love comes at a cost to unsuspecting hearts, it’s unavoidable. And while we try our best to hide our worst sides, our actions are often deplorable. To take something so untamed and raw and put it under strain, I often ask what the reason was and was there a personal gain? Hearts are wild andContinueContinue reading “Wild (Day 16)”