Sling (Day 19)

I fight enemies and foes ten feet tall, Broad shoulders, strong arms, muscles, and all.   Like David slew Goliath with a sling and a rock, I’ll slay them with my mind, give them all mental shock.   At the top of the world looking down where I stand, Who’d have ever thought I’d beContinueContinue reading “Sling (Day 19)”

Blogtober: Day 19 / “Don’t Plan the Post…”

No poem today with this post…my space has been invaded by my daughter so this will likely be a short and sweet update for the day. Last night, while trying to sleep, I kept thinking about what to blog about today. Then I found myself repeating over and over … “don’t plan the post”…silly right?ContinueContinue reading “Blogtober: Day 19 / “Don’t Plan the Post…””