Tread (Day – 20)

Soft footfalls and the whisper of a breath, you tread on my heart like there’s nothing left. Give me room to breathe before you leave your mark, I feel the weight of your world and know it’s dark. You see me as the Earth disturbed beneath your feet – when you could lift me upContinueContinue reading “Tread (Day – 20)”

Blogtober: Day 20 /#SundayFunday

It’s been a decent day. I’ve been busy with odds and ends throughout the day but nothing too strenuous. Just writing up some stuff, talking to friends, and running errands to find the things I need for my upcoming project. I’m serious about making these sconces and an art piece for my wall. In myContinueContinue reading “Blogtober: Day 20 /#SundayFunday”

Bonus: Writing on the Wall

Dear Me, I hope you’re paying attention, I just want you to open your eyes then sit and listen. I’m tired of the way you treat me when I’m just trying to exist. It’s like you have a boatload of issues with me on your list. You’ve given me shit time and time again. ItContinueContinue reading “Bonus: Writing on the Wall”