Cool?? / Blogtober: Day 21 / Monday…it’s all good.

…I will never be, standing next to your swag and intellect…you’re just too cool for me. I silently observe and watch your moves as you go on about your day, wishing I had something more profound or deep to say…Nah, baby, I’d just get in the way of your greatness and you don’t seem like the type to take any mess.

And I know how terrible I can be, always wanting your attention just so you’d notice me. I feel like maybe I could grow to love your flavor and maybe we could be more than just world-wide neighbors. If you would just give me a little of your time, I’d give you the reasons why you should be mine.

As a matter of fact…

Bullet point 1 –  I’m really digging the way you speak to the masses and how dope you look wearing those glasses. Far from anyone I’ve ever met, but this is just the beginning and we aren’t there yet.

Letter 2 – Love ain’t for the taking …but it’s for the making and I’m ASKING of the probability of you tasking me with holding your heart, No? Well what about your hand? Maybe that’s where we should start.

Number B –  Have I ever told you about the man that won a million hearts just to throw them all away for one, then when that heart took over his life, he decided he was done – with playing the games that players play, and wanting to make more of his life each day – with his one true love, can you imagine – that he’d go through the rest of his life just passing …every girl by that would throw themselves at his feet? But every day he chose to wake next to her and with a kiss greet…her…so much her…

Section 437, Clause 93 – States: That love is for those who are willing to compromise to support the other’s views, that we should never ever consider a person for what they have that we want to use. Love, true love operates first on respect and trust ….not second to primal and instinctual lust…That we should all grow beyond our own limitations. That we should seek the real thing and not cheap imitations.

Personal feelings on the subject aside, I know that by your rules I can abide. You make me want to be better each and every day. So would you please consider a moment where I can stay ….how about a night where we can come together ….and possibly discuss a couple of forevers?

If that’s cool with you?


I like to make public displays of affection sometimes …what’s more public than the internet? Are you blushing??? Are you??? Good. Then I have done a sufficient job of either creeping you out or maybe…just maybe making you smile.

I’ll put my feelings on the back burner for now – so much of them (feelings) have made it into my poetry lately that I wonder if I’m well…like…I’m hurt, or I’m in unrequited madness or simply wishing on my lucky stars that …well…nevermind that…desire eats away at me every day. So enough of this uncomfortableness we call love or feelings …that stuff is sticky and there’s no way you can wash it off…it’s like glitter, it gets everywhere.

Day 21 – a lucky day with a lucky number. The day has proven as much. Nothing bad has happened today, so of course, I’ll take it. And…I did a little problem-solving today and came up with a solution to a problem plaguing me. It’s just a matter of putting it into play.

I have smiled today and laughed and coughed and laughed some more until I needed to use my inhaler to get all that under control because my lungs are trash right now. Lots of congestion and there’s something outside I’m allergic to. I don’t know what it is but it makes my eyes sting and I sneeze.

We had a storm roll through last night. I could heat the thunder and it kind of lulled me to sleep. I love it. We were under tornado watch and usually I get all freaked out about the watches and warnings but last night it was like, I was too tired to care. I hear Texas got it pretty bad and that saddens me. Man, you don’t know the meaning of “Damn nature you scary” until you’ve been in the proximity of a tornado. Them shitz iz crazy yo.

The last one warped all the trees, tore up the airport which I live very close to and ran a path down the highway cut through Berkeley and Ferguson then headed to Alton, Illinois. When I tell you that I wasn’t right for a month or two…believe it. Every time the weather sirens sound in the neighborhood my anxiety just goes into overdrive.

But this is part of life in the Midwest. Now I didn’t hear any sirens go off last night so it must not have been terribly close. Thank goodness.

I’ve been messing around on Twitter off and on today, getting some interaction in and it looks like I broke 1,000 followers. Which is pretty cool. The #writingcommunity on Twitter is amazing. I’ve never had so much support with my writing, it is truly a blessing to be amongst so many great people.

Saw this on my TL and I agree.


Me and Facebook on the other hand…I have days with it where I can interact with my friends and family with no problem and then there are days where I cringe and stay away altogether. It’s something else. Facebook is like that drunk uncle that tells inappropriate jokes to kids at family functions. Or that Aunt that just can’t bite her tongue to save her life. And I’m that family member that does her best not to entertain the craziness so I sit back and watch the fireworks while sipping something strong quietly in the corner.

Facebook feels like a family reunion. You got everybody there, friends that pop in to see what’s up and why you’re sitting beneath the tree being all anti-social, family you haven’t seen in forever and the ones don’t care to see…and the DJ that plays all HIS favorite music and doesn’t take requests….then there’s your mom telling you to be nice and people telling you …You look just like your father or I remember when you were a baby! and you have no recollection of any of those people, not your father or the old lady pinching your face and telling you stories of how you pulled the Christmas tree down when you were a toddler and shows the picture as proof…or the siblings that choose Facebook to air out differences. Man, I have seen some shit, you hear me?

My emotional trauma is real…stop laughing Lol.

People are funny though, they go off the grid so you can never find them in life but are sure to make Facebook accounts.

Dude, I got a story…

Not too long ago a friend expressed a desire in tracking down an ex. She’d been hearing some rumors about her and this person but she hadn’t seen that person in YEARS. So…she asks, How can I find him without contacting his family, cause she didn’t want to have to explain anything to his relatives.

Well, Google has it all right? And what Google can’t find other sites can. So we sit down and do some Google searches and that’s when I had the bright idea to look up public records and Facebook.  He had an account that had some questionable shit on it. And really, Facebook flags everything but the right thing. The account should have been closed due to the content. So anyway, we go to this site called that will show you who has open court cases in Missouri. Man, this guy had like…the longest history of offenses…and after viewing all of that, I told her to abort the mission because she didn’t want those problems. I mean, the stuff he had against him was some serious shit. And I understand people have histories, I do. But these weren’t just priors, these were PRESENTS!

After some talking and me yelling at her about how dangerous this cat is –  she finally decided not to contact the guy and to leave him be. I was relieved. Because I looked at the cases that were open and the guy apparently likes to fight…men and women.

So then the universe was like – NAH …You gon’ talk to my boy. Why did he seek her out on Facebook…found her. Found her address and her phone number and talked to a few of her friends and popped up on her job. If you’d have heard the noise that came out of me when she told me all that over the phone…

Rarely am I ridiculously animated with people who aren’t my friends…I’ve known this woman for about 10 years. She has never heard me call her ..bitch. But that day ….It wasn’t said in an insult but out of shock…”Biiiiiiiitch! What did you do?!” As I said the word my voice went up a few octaves. It was not an insult just me in pure shock. So she says to me, “Tyyyyyyy! I let his ass have it. Read him down in front of everybody and the police.”

It was ugly. He was disruptive and everything. She was in shock too. So the friends that tipped him off, had a big part to play in all the drama. Kinda why I keep to myself a lot. I’ve had something similar happen ….where a rumor(s) were circulated by former friends. I don’t entertain that stuff. Mainly because the cowards that start those things won’t say anything to your face when confronted.

So yeah… Lol  I use this tool to help me look up the men I date, you know just to see what’s what and if they have a hint of the criminal element. Like I said, I understand we all have a past but it’s the current stuff that jumps out at me ..and really, it depends on how current the past stuff is too.

Safety first, if they get offended because you looked them up then…you might want to question some stuff. Girls and guys catch hell too from not doing the appropriate research. I’ve had people look me up and I don’t care. You should. Do your due diligence. There is nothing wrong with that at all.

This took a strange turn…

My fingers talk too much. Maybe they’ll be this loquacious with today’s prompt “Treasure” I have to write up tonight. We’ll see…

I feel like ending on a song.

Since we began with Love….let’s end with Love. This has some beautiful visuals.


Be good humans ❤


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.