Blogtober: Day 23 / Hump Day humping…or not…

No poem to accompany the post today, those things are getting pretty hard to deal with. Personal histories and a little bit of trauma seem to be making it into those things…and me? I just write it out so I don’t have to hold on to so much of it. It seems this blog hasContinueContinue reading “Blogtober: Day 23 / Hump Day humping…or not…”

Ghost (Day 22)

I haven’t been myself. In the present I dip back on the life I lived because – I’m wishing by some chance that I would be afforded the opportunity to change what was. I simply know no other way to get over this pain, to be free to think and feel and be me again.ContinueContinue reading “Ghost (Day 22)”

Expression / Blogtober: Day 22 / Busy Day

Some words were never meant to be shared, like some poems, people just don’t care. Thoughtful mixtures of emotions wrapped in prose are often overlooked or left behind – things like Love lingers on the tongue and permeates the chaotic mind… to give relief to the storm that rages inside – so we purge ofContinueContinue reading “Expression / Blogtober: Day 22 / Busy Day”