Expression / Blogtober: Day 22 / Busy Day

Some words were never meant to be shared, like some poems, people just don’t care. Thoughtful mixtures of emotions wrapped in prose are often overlooked or left behind – things like Love lingers on the tongue and permeates the chaotic mind… to give relief to the storm that rages inside – so we purge of those thoughts and base feelings so we don’t have to hide.

I wonder who the first poet was that thought to put words to his feelings and speak to the world around him and I wonder how to put them together and how it all sounded to him. If he had meter or rhyme –  if he counted the beats or spoke with time. If he snapped his fingers as a sign of applause – or was to woo a woman to his cause.

Or was he a she that decided to pour out her heart, in the hopes that an understanding would start. Of all the things we don’t speak of but know are true. Of all the things that happen to plague the minds of me and you. Did she move her hands and pause for dramatics ..did she give endings that kinda seemed anti-climatic? Did she pose questions for the intellect of her listeners to ponder, or were her words more profound to cause sonder?

Expression is the greatest form of art, whether it be writing or any number of audible or visual representation, from such things we should never part, they will cause in our hearts great elation. Speak your truth to the masses and watch as they feel your depths. As long as you are honest with your vision, you should have no regrets.


I haven’t been home long. I was out at Walmart picking up things then went to spy on my sister and her kids. Basketball…Pelicans and Raptors, I don’t know how it ended or even if has ended yet. It looked, to me, to be a pretty tight game.

Other than that, nothing much going on tonight. I think I’m gonna watch a few movies to clear my recorded list to free up some space on the DVR and while I’m doing that, write for the prompt “Ghost”. So this is going to be a fairly short post so I can make my Inktober post before midnight, hopefully.

First up, a Japanese horror film called Kuroneko. Saw it playing on TCM and thought, why not give it a gander.

Speaking of things to watch – Watchmen on HBO has a strong beginning. I like what I see of it so far. Shows either lose my attention or draw me in with their first episode and I was intrigued enough to continue watching.

I have yet to sit down and watch Raising Dion on Netflix. So off I go to write and relax.

I hope your nights are going well. Relax a little, you deserve it.

Be good humans ❤



Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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