Ancient & Dizzy (Day 23 & 24)

The sign read, “Do Not Touch The Glass” with four exclamation points, as if yelling its warning to voyeurs as they passed by. Encased within the glass, resting on a velvet pillow, lay a perfectly round crystal eye. None like it seen in the world for over three hundred years, it sat in its caseContinueContinue reading “Ancient & Dizzy (Day 23 & 24)”

Blogtober: Day 24 / Seven Days Til Halloween…

I remember being excited for Halloween. I remember making costumes for my kids and walking them through the neighborhood to trick or treat. Checking the candy, stealing the candy, eating the candy…hiding the candy…forgetting I hid he candy only to find it at Christmas. Good times… Now I have to find different ways to entertainContinueContinue reading “Blogtober: Day 24 / Seven Days Til Halloween…”