Blogtober: Day 30 / We got 👻👻👻

Man…we’re here, one day away from the end of Blogtober. And all that stands in between us and the first day of Nano is …tomorrow. I’m as prepped as I’m gonna be. I got things together and I’m working on a super loose outline.

Today was ….eventful. First, let me tell y’all about last night. So I was sitting in my bedroom playing with the filters on my phone, right…when I see another face pop up on my screen with the creepy looking face. Now, I was the only one in my room or so I thought …

I looked at my phone then looked behind me and saw nothing but the face remained on the screen and the mouth opened to bare its teeth.

I did not get scared. I switched to the puppy face filter and saw the disembodied face stick its tongue out. I then issued this warning…’Mr. Ghost, I’ve known about you for a while…be civil and I will be civil – be an ass and I will be an ass…Don’t start none, won’t be none.’  The ghost smiled and I slept like a baby.

I know my house is haunted. This is a fact. Doors open AND close by themselves. Lights flicker in the house from time to time and the shower likes to drip as if someone turned it on when its all the way shut off…and it doesn’t do it all the time.

Plus, and this is significant – the ghost has knocked things out of my hands on several occasions. Cigarettes when I was planning to go smoke, lighters just seem to flip up and out of my hands, a couple of times it knocked my late night bowl of cereal out of my grip. It’s crazy. I think it thinks it’s helping me.

That’s cool and all but he didn’t have to be a jerk about it. Lol, a simple “no” would have sufficed. Oh and I don’t know if it’s my shitty connection or service but the internet constantly drops its signal. Cold spots and hot spots are all through the house and one time the microwave beeped without being touched.

We’re haunted. Here in the middle of Berkeley. But it’s okay – I’m not afraid of ghosts. Lived with one in the first home I purchased when I was married, that SOB was a mean f**ker. He invaded dreams and everything. Even then, my fear subsided due to the illness….my demons were walking around fully dressed in my head by then. So I was like whatever. Haunt away.

The one in the first house was noticed by me and my mom. I never said anything to the kids about it. Then there was an instance where I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an angel playing with a little girl in the hallway. The angel turned to me and shushed me as the little girl was counting out blocks on the floor. She turned back to the little girl and clapped because she got it right.

I was pregnant at the time with my daughter and had just received news that she had a neural tube defect. I cried myself to sleep that night and woke to see that in the middle of the night. I asked who she was…the little girl and the angel made a rocking baby gesture and pointed at me.

For those that don’t know, my daughter is on the autism spectrum, she has Aspergers but you’d never know it. She’s a regular young old lady Lol. She has trouble remembering things and it takes her just a wee bit longer to learn things but once she’s caught on to it – she’s good. She masters the things that interest her like all young people do with the things they love. Math is a love/hate for her, particularly geometry. She plays the piano, cello, and is learning Japanese.

I never tell her that she can’t do something and I never will. She has proved so many wrong, including doctors. She has bested her best and proved to herself that she can do the things that scare her or that she thinks is hard. She is an adventurous spirit and loves being involved in many different things. My only worry is that she may become overwhelmed by all that she takes on. But she’s managing just fine.

She and her brother were hard labors and thought not to make it. But look at them now – both are thriving and turning my hair gray. Lol

I gush about my son too.

My son is my firstborn. He is a twin believe it or not. I miscarried and thought that was the end of my pregnancy, not so. TJ hung in there. But his birth was hard. He was born and had to be resuscitated by the doctors and when they brought him back, the boy …a whole newborn began fussing and talking up something fierce. I had never heard or seen anything like that before. The baby was literally complaining…they were cries they were complaints!

He checked out a healthy …seriously upset little one. He calmed down after about an hour Lol Then we saw the force of his personality. Talking to nurses and doctors, specific ones, making faces and smiling at some, staring down others. It was funny.

He grew up headstrong, healthy, and happy. When he has his mindset on doing something, it gets done. Like his sister, he is a quick study. He only needs to be taught how to do something once and will surprise you with how well he’s grasped whatever it is you’ve taught him, so much so – that he can teach what you taught in a different way (easier way) for others to understand. He gets that from me – we problem-solve like its second nature.

My son is an empath. He picks up on feelings the vibes people give off a lot quicker than people realize. Before you even speak, you introduce yourself to some people and he’s one of those people. He knows how to talk to people .across the board but because he is so sensitive if you don’t reciprocate ….he takes it hard.

As smart as they come and then some. He likes being challenged but will definitely do things his own way if he thinks that his way is the best way. He is an asset to any that work with him and a lover of animals, music, and art. He is just as creative as his mom and sister and his taste in art and fashion is awesome. I call him a trendsetter. His friends often follow his lead with things like that. His friends come to him for advice and help with things and he obliges. He’s a loyal individual and trustworthy.

I love those kids because they both remind me of me at their ages. I see so much of myself in them that it’s like talking to myself much of the time. Listen, we may not be able to turn back the clocks of time to revisit our pasts – but when we have children, we get a second chance to get it right. Not live vicariously through them, no…but show them and teach them things we wished we learned. Show them the things we never got to see as young people. Give the opportunities we never had.

I do this as much as I can within my means without trying to live their lives for them. They can’t be me and I can’t be them and I like that. They are their own people with their own set of beliefs and ideas about others and this world. While my son has known hardships and has had to overcome them, my daughter has too and they overcome the best way they know how and it’s working for them.

I often find myself having to back up and let them do them and know that if they wanted me to help they’d ask…which they do when they really need it. I will not or ever tell them that the way they handle things in their lives is the wrong way.  We all learn in different ways, in different capacities with different means. I can offer advice and say this is an option but I will never force my opinion on them.

I will however in my advice giving – offer the easiest solution possible against what may be the hardest way to go about a situation. That’s how I teach. Present a few different ways of doing a thing and let them choose what way is best for them and I listen if they have a way they’d like to do something that is different than my way.

These are the loves of my life and they know this. So I will gush on them both when I get a chance. I’m proud to be their mother. I’m not gonna lie – they uhh…give my heart a good test every now and then with their antics but no love is lost.

Today’s prompt is “Catch” so…I think I have an idea for it.

Oh..I was gonna show Tieryn’s finished wand.


There is it. It doesn’t have the black sand and glitter in there, but that’s the wand she made with her own hands. She caved it, painted it, and everything.

Looks good and unsafe to use. Lol

I gotta get going –  I need something to drink before I sit and get myself involved in this prompt. Hope your Halloween Eve is going well.

Be good humans, ghosts, and ghouls. ❤


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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