‘Merica, what the hell… Real things happen to real people pt. 2

*Warning: there will be foul language So…I’ve been hearing horror story after horror story from friends and family members about employers being total dicks in the time of Corona. I’m mad for them. I can’t believe things like this are going down and it not only saddens me, it’s taxing on my hope. Let meContinueContinue reading “‘Merica, what the hell… Real things happen to real people pt. 2”

Dear You…

It’s been a tough day, huh? Life is kicking our asses, things are going wrong, there’s a severe storm on the horizon threatening to do away with power for the evening and then there’s Covid 19 driving us all up a fucking wall. I get it. You need air. You need to breathe, stretch yourContinueContinue reading “Dear You…”

Real Life Happens To Real People…(sad post)

For those who have been reading since this past summer, you know I worked summer camp at my church. I taught kids how to put together a book of their own work…they wrote autobiographies and poems. And had the opportunity to write short stories and try journaling on their own after the camp was over.ContinueContinue reading “Real Life Happens To Real People…(sad post)”

Quarantine Day: whatever…Feeling like a house party…

It’s BYOB…If you got’em smoke’em…outdoors, please.  Kick-off your shoes at the door and let’s get it! We’re going to do the electric slide to this song and then break off into the Hustle. If you don’t know the Hustle, then cupid slide…You don’t know that either???? Just Electric Slide. If you can’t do that -ContinueContinue reading “Quarantine Day: whatever…Feeling like a house party…”

Choice / Guilty Pleasures in Quarantine

Everything is a choice or decision that we make But so is taking great leaps of faith So when we sin and fall off the wagon Backslide and go into a panic There’s guilt, hurt, anger, sadness, and shame There’s what you answer to during it all And knowing your name I won’t answer toContinueContinue reading “Choice / Guilty Pleasures in Quarantine”

One Day / I’m inspired …

Maybe one day when it’s all over and we’re standing at the end of the world I’ll turn to you and ask, “What was your favorite part?” And without prompting you’ll say…”You. You were my favorite part. I found you at my end and you became my start. I’ve known you since I’ve known ofContinueContinue reading “One Day / I’m inspired …”

A Message / Of rainy days and viruses…

In the interest of time, a shortage of which there is in the world at present. I wish to infiltrate your thoughts and plant my propaganda of love and peace. So I’ll plaster it to every bare space possible in the hopes you won’t forget it. With the thought that our kindness will never cease.ContinueContinue reading “A Message / Of rainy days and viruses…”

The Spring of Indecision…

You ever feel like you’re just not grasping what life is tossing at you on a particular day? Like it’s throwing you the ball and you’re watching that sucker fly by into the mitt of ignorance because you don’t want to swing? Yeah. I don’t know what to say to it. Like…I feel like thereContinueContinue reading “The Spring of Indecision…”

Appearances / Rain and Motives or Lack Thereof… 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I used to think of myself as some hopeless romantic being – sitting lazily under weeping willows at a river’s edge all the while seeing – you in the back of my mind as I, waded my feet in the hearts of lovers, their thoughts dripping from my skin and lips – traipsing around aContinueContinue reading “Appearances / Rain and Motives or Lack Thereof… 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️”

Mind over Matter..what’s a little pain? 🤷‍♀️

I was 25 once. In my 25th year, I had two young children, one kidney stone and a job that was stressing me out to the point of adult acne and chest pains. Something had to give and it did. I left that job and started taking better care of myself. My son will beContinueContinue reading “Mind over Matter..what’s a little pain? 🤷‍♀️”