Something big is coming…

Something big is brewing in the way of poetry. I keep hearing these words like whispers in the back of my mind and I’m trying my damnedest to grab a hold of them to see what they bring but I’m either too slow or they are fleeting. I see lines and stanzas and I hearContinueContinue reading “Something big is coming…”

NaPoWriMo: #23 Pearls Before Swine

“Do not offer what you hold dear to someone who won’t appreciate it.” – paraphrase of  the idiom ‘casting pearls before swine’ – original text found in Matthew 7:6   I offered you wisdom you gave me the blues I offered you healing you gave me half-truths I lay at your feet a plan toContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #23 Pearls Before Swine”