NaPoWriMo Bonus: Love In The Time Of Corona Pt. 1 (Poem)

In the beginning, there were seeds that gave birth to fear and panic after they were planted into the ground. We harvested their fruits, as they grew from the vines of adversity and watched as the vine circled the globe as it wove its way around. There were thorns and prickly things that caused us to bleed when carelessly we would touch. And we found that harvesting its fruit to be a chore because these vines bore much.

The bitter wind of change blew and the seeds of adversity spread throughout the Earth – it was then that we began to see the truth of ourselves and the value of each other’s worth. What good was money when the seeds didn’t barter or take bribes? What good were words when the seeds couldn’t listen to all the petty lies? What good was social position and standing when the seeds didn’t recognize either/or… we just had to deal with their spreading and wait to see what they had in store.


It was then that the seeds took on another form and began infecting people’s lives, it moved as a disease and held no prejudice as it struck the young and old, husbands and wives. We became ill and some of us didn’t make it…our leaders without a clue as to what to do…thought it better that they lie and fake it …wellness was not in the body but of the mind or so they say – but what they refused to admit to and were unable to see is this was no time to play.

Greed fell over our eyes like a dark veil – those who thought they had power found it stripped away. Into chaos the world fell – and the power we thought we had was all an illusion that seemed to fade day by day. We thought we could control life and had power over death, we didn’t even have the power to lay our loved ones to rest.

The seed was planted and grew from a dark place, so would be the same of our loved ones, but deeper down in that dark soil, way down in the Earth – a single sprout broke free to the top to show us its worth.


Whether it was nature or God we really couldn’t say, but when that sprout began to grow – things began to change in a positive way. Like dandelion heads in the middle spring, these pods flew on the wind to pollinate everything. A little thing called Love grew in a time where positive emotion seemed not to exist. But the more it grew and the many lives it affected, we saw how love would persist.

Here we are with Love in the time of Corona, doing our best to just be present in the moment and remain at a safe distance – even with the seeds of adversity causing illness to rise with persistence. We should remember that no matter where we go or what we do, Love is with us all and thrives deep inside of you.

The difference we make in these times could very well benefit us all – then we can see how the curve flattens and the numbers of infected and perished fall. Take care of your hearts and your fellow man, let them know that if they need you, they have your hand.


We came together in ways we thought impossible and did things unforeseen – to bring happiness and joy into our homes we found a means …of improving our communication skills and being good neighbors. Taking our talents elsewhere while we were free from labor. We’re being good mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers – all by remaining inside. Even while some say it won’t work and seemingly disregard the proof, they still deny.

Love is a free thing, sometimes hard to reward or even take. And while we’re all individuals with our own hearts, we do have difficult decisions to make. But let the one you make be an indicator of the human you really are. We’ll have our time in the sun again and be able to sit beneath the stars….with those that we care about, remember we isolate now to be with them later….so be the biggest lover and fighter for humanity, not its opposition of hater.

Love is about being selfless at a time when people need you most

Love is about being present when you want to be a social ghost

Love is about doing all the things it takes to see others well

Love is about thinking of the positive things even when it seems like you are in hell

Love is about taking care of the people who have taken care of you

Love is about showing affection for each other until your life is through


I spent my days writing poems for a month delving into my heart to see what would surface. I began to see that there was a lot of heartache that I had yet to deal with which is why I write to heal from old scars that I seem to open up. And while I decided to focus on love – some things just needed to be said. I am human and I experience the full range of my emotions at different levels. I wanted to sit and talk about Love in the Time of Corona…so this will just be part 1 of 2 writings on the subject while I get my mental state and words together for the next part, I hope you have enjoyed National Poetry Writing/Writers Month as much as I did.

If you have yet to hear it today…you are beautiful inside and out, your eyes shine like the precious gems they are and …I love you ❤


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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