Where The Grass Is Green / The Thought That Lingers

We went where the grass grew green and the sun smiled on our faces, we went where we’re all considered the same and not divided by races. Equal footing on hallowed ground, where everything is quiet and no one makes a sound. We’re neighbors here and we each have our own place, no one complainsContinueContinue reading “Where The Grass Is Green / The Thought That Lingers”

It is what it is…but it ain’t, ya know?

Adventures in Aging I have arthritis. Yep… break out the Ben Gay or BioFreeze or whatever the hell you got ..I need it. Two days ago I used a topical cream called Voltaren to cure the pain in my knee. All it did was irritate my skin. Pain is still there. A few days before thatContinueContinue reading “It is what it is…but it ain’t, ya know?”

To the Younger Generation

You know what I like about you young people… It’s that you are being active in the changing of the world. You know what kind of world you want to live in. You don’t want the problematic actions and noise of the past and present infiltrating and infecting your future. And I love and supportContinueContinue reading “To the Younger Generation”

I’m tired, America.

America, I’m here. I’m here and my mind is tired, my feelings are hurt, and my sanity wanes. But I’m here. Life has been interesting. It has shown me support, humanity, and hope…as well as despair, worry, and rage. I will admit that I am not handling it very well at all. I have toContinueContinue reading “I’m tired, America.”

#BlackLivesMatter and Why They Matter

During our talks about the unrest, protests, and rioting, I wanted to give some background about the organization that we’ve all been hearing about since 2013. There seems to be some misconception and misinformation about the #BlackLivesMatter movement and what it’s about and I want to help shed some light on the organization, the movement,ContinueContinue reading “#BlackLivesMatter and Why They Matter”

I’m Ready…

…for this converstation. The last two months have been …eventful?? They have been eye opening and emotionally draining. They have seen me charged and on fire to effect change in my real world views and they have seen me crying at all that I’ve encountered and have seen on the news. I have been havingContinueContinue reading “I’m Ready…”