II. First Impressions

II. First Impressions She slid a cold mug of beer toward him while she sipped at her own then patted the empty bar stool next to her. Russ planted himself on the stool then looked her up and down, as if trying to decide if she were really there. It didn’t make sense to himContinueContinue reading “II. First Impressions”

Of Flesh and Blood

I. The Jade Lounge With a name like The Jade Lounge rolling off the tongue, one might begin to form images of a classy establishment drenched in the finest décor afforded from the Far East. An establishment that serviced businessmen and maybe after a few drinks of Sake a round of karaoke to tie theContinueContinue reading “Of Flesh and Blood”

… So…you guys wanna read something weird?

I’ve been kinda excited to do this for a while now but never really had the umm… courage to do so. Today and over the next few weeks I’m going to be uploading chapters of a book I wrote back in the daaaaaaaark days of mental illness (when schizophrenia was making itself known and settlingContinueContinue reading “… So…you guys wanna read something weird?”