VI. In The Beginning…

VI. In The Beginning…

In the Genesis, there were three pairings that started the civilization of man and all other beings: Adam and Lilith, Adam and Eve, and Samael and Lilith. Contrary to popular belief, which has been eschewed a great deal, the first woman and wife was Lilith of Eden. Born of the same earth as Adam, his opposite and his equal, the perfection of woman. Lilith and Adam’s children bear the blessed gifts of nature and great endowments of the spirit. Their children are known to possess gifts of foresight, the manipulation of the elements and the manipulation of men. Of these children are their descendants as listed: Judas Iscariot, Ahmose I (Pharaoh of the Biblical era), Rita Hayworth, Stephen King, George Bush Sr. and by relation George Bush Jr., Chris Brown and humans of good nature and those of ill will.

The second pairing was Adam and Eve. Eve of Eden was the second woman and wife to Adam. Eve of Eden was everything that Adam wanted in a woman. New, exciting, young, and naïve as she was born of Adam’s rib. She was submissive to his heart, pride and male ego, also agreeable and quiet. Adam and Eve’s children bear the gifts of the natural human in which they learn to love, teach, beautify, and change the world before them. Of these children are the descendants Abel, Moses, Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples, Leonardo da Vinci, Pope John Paul II, Martin Luther King Jr., Nancy Reagan, Johnny Carson, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Barack Obama, and Justin Bieber. Their children and descendants of their children have also possessed good natures and have displayed ill will as well.

The third pairing was Samael and Lilith. Samael the Archangel also known as the Angel of Death found and comforted Lilith of Eden after she fled the oppressive and controlling nature of her husband Adam. She gave over her body willingly to Samael and they were wed. Due to the nature of their beings, Lilith a darker woman than Eve and Samael being the Angel of Death, the children they bore were of the supernatural. Their children are said to be able to manipulate the elements, the minds of men, animals, and they have the ability to be seen to the human eye as another form. Samael and Lilith’s children are said to have shared attributes amongst them which are weakness of the light, strength in the darkest places, and fear of Holy objects charged with the faith of the holder. Of these children are all manner of monsters that lurk the earth in times of chaos and war, demons who seek to weaken the wills of men and women, vampires of blood and energy, witches and warlocks of the dark orders, spectres of the void, and the unseen entities and shadows of the Abyss. And these children were destined to die, as the Terrible Mother, Lilith of Eden vowed to the three angels. For any child of Samael’s, because he is the Angel of Death, is born with one foot in the grave.

But…there was…is, another pairing that is and has rarely been spoken of. Lilith is not the only one of her kind. She gave birth to three very special children one man and a set of twins. And they were special in that they are as unique and rare as any creature that has ever walked the earth. They were conceived and born out of the love for the hatred of man. For Lilith hated man’s need to control and destroy the healthy wills of women and Lucifer hated man, God’s creation. Lucifer wanted very much to show God that man was not needed when he had the angels at his beck and call. He wanted to show the Creator how flawed and undeserving of life they were. He did this against the will of God and was thus sent away from his Father. It was then that Lucifer happened upon Lilith of Eden. He had found her battered and bitter – untrusting and suspicious of every male. He cured this within her so that he could show her the love that burned inside of him.

Another contradiction to the story of old is that Lucifer was a monster. That he had a tail protruding from his hindquarters and horns fixed upon his head, this was not true. Lucifer was God’s most beautiful and precious angel. Had human eyes been set upon him, they would have been taken with his flawless beauty right away and so was the case with Lilith. She hated men but Lucifer stole her heart with his beauty and slick tongue. They mated – never taking each other for husband and wife as they were both filled with issues of commitment and they conceived the first of three children. Cain was born to Lilith and sent to live with Adam as a mere babe, as a last attempt at making Adam suffer for his misdeeds toward her. And so it was that Cain, not born of the same mother, as Lilith was not born of the same rib of Adam, brought the family turmoil. For the seed of jealousy was planted within him at birth and cultivated with age and at its mature state – sowed its wickedness on Cain’s half-brother Abel. Thus murder and martyrdom were born unto the world.

After Cain’s exile to Nod, Lilith and Lucifer conceived twins, a boy and a girl. It is said that the girl child was born first with her brother nipping at her heels. Lucifer’s beauty far surpassed Lilith’s but both of their likenesses managed to instill themselves in the girl, they named Inanna. She was the second of Lilith’s kind, born with teeth between her legs and a hunger for male flesh for this is what fed and sustained her mother, so it also sustained her daughter. The other child was full of his father’s influences all except his beauty. For Mammon was born androgynous with strong male features in his face, character and personality. Mammon while harder on the eyes to look at than that of his parents and sister, learned that he could make his visage easier for others to view as a child when he began to switch between the roles of male and female. While his sister fed on sex and men, Mammon fed on fear and dark energy. It was in their youth as what is now considered teens, that the twins came into their own. Inanna having displayed characteristics that neither Lilith nor Lucifer liked at all, were characteristics befitting the teachings of the Creator. When they discovered that she had secretly been speaking with the Creator, they denounced her. Inanna parted ways with her parents, particularly Lilith because they could not accept the woman that she wanted and needed to be. She left their home by the sea never to see them again.

Mammon grew to love his father very much, so much so that he wanted to be just like him. It was on the cusp of what would have been manhood for a normal man-child that Mammon decided that he should rule over the Fallen. That he would be a greater leader, for it was this desire that drove Mammon to make an attempt on Lucifer’s life. This happenstance upset and disturbed Lucifer a great deal, so much so that he banished Mammon to the Land of the Fallen where he was to be guarded by the hounds of the Abyss. What Lucifer could not have known was that Samael was secretly teaching Mammon the ways in which to enslave humans so that he could live through them. And what Lucifer meant to shield away from the world, Samael would set free through his own anger and vengeance.

But it remains that no matter how many times Mammon escapes into the world that he is always sent back to his prison in the Abyss by a man of the cloth through the will of God.

Inanna, Lilith of Eden’s daughter had not set eyes on her family in a millennia and had no desire to. She moved on and grew with the times, aging herself appropriately to fit in and keep with the latest fashions to stay abreast of the tides of change. Most of her young adulthood was spent in Africa amongst the tribes of Adam for generation upon generation until she felt it time to visit lands further away. There came a time when Inanna was mistaken for her mother in the East and a small group of women worshipped her as the First Mother. Her explanations fell on deaf ears when they saw how she fed and it was then that they knew they were in the presence of Lilith of Eden. Inanna fled – she had not wanted such an attachment or worship. She could not change who or what she was but she could change how she was perceived and this she did.

Inanna’s travels led her to the New World and she loved it there.

Things and people were different and the arcane ways were left behind, except by those who migrated and brought with them their deities of worship. Lilith’s name lived on in the New World too and because of this Inanna took care to conceal her identity. She lived through the Ages of War (20-50s) and this era saddened her as it led to the reckless spending of lives over the most senseless things and it was then that Inanna realized that no one person can remember how wars are began but every last one of them remembers how they end.

Inanna lived through and enjoyed immensely the Age of Sex (60s), for her teeth were retractable upon her own command and no man ever knew what or who she was if she didn’t want them to know. She lived through the Age of Drugs, Sex and Rock and Roll (late 60-70s) and found this era much like the Age of Sex, in that she enjoyed it and that it all came and went by in a blur. The Age of Ridiculousness (80s) came with big hair, loud colors, screaming bands and t-shirts that warned you – with no subtly to RELAX or with a big yellow circle, black dots and a squiggly line – persuading others not to worry but to be happy. The Age of Suicide (90s) came and lagged on for what seemed like an eternity to Inanna and at one point during her stay in soggy and wet Seattle she attempted these insane acts upon her body with the startling realization that she could not perish in that manner. No gun, blade, needle, rope, drowning, leaps from tall buildings, or obscene amounts of drugs would take her life.

And it was with this sad realization that she stepped into the Age of Technology and Big Business (2000s) where people seemed too stressed out and selfish. Where much of the landscape was covered with concrete and cars filled almost every street. People had begun to change and greed was more prominent. She wondered if it meant her father was close but put the thought away, she did not want to live in his shadow or anyone else’s so she lived quietly through the technological age with a job at the local music shop, away from the hustle and bustle of business life.

As the Age of Technology and Big Business stretched on with rises and falls that then bled into the Age of High Crimes of Corporations with one Enron as its poster child and Martha Stewart as another, life went on and continued with the Age of Crime Against Children, Man, Police Officer and of the Innocence. Inanna decided it was time for another change. She moved to a moderately sized mid-western community, where the city was just big enough to get lost in, she changed her name and her appearance once more.

In The Year of Our Lord, Two-Thousand and Ten, there was a boom of internet businesses and “consulting”. From which was born out of the electronic void and of the mind of man, Facebook. Facebook, as stated on yet another internet enterprise, Wikipedia explains that: “Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc., with more than 500 million active users in July 2010… Facebook allows anyone who declares them-selves to be aged 13 or older to become a member of the website.”

Then Inanna and now Rhayna, was older and felt more qualified than anyone to become a member of Facebook, besides, the people around her had been talking it up so much. She had never heard of anything like it. Not in all the years that she’d attended college to learn as much as she could, or in all of the various jobs she has ever held. She tried it. She made an account under her new name with the likeness of her new body, Rhayna Mae Hemm. And In the Year of Our Lord, Two-Thousand and Ten, Rhayna met and communicated with 205 “friends”, most of whom were friends, siblings, or offspring of the deceased people she once knew. She posted photographs of her life and the lives of those she’d met and had grown close to and it dawned on her while looking back over the albums of pictures, that she had been to one too many funerals and more than a score of weddings and baby showers but had never experienced one of her own.

As she thought about the deaths of friends she recalled a time when she had gotten as close to death as she had ever come. In the summer of 2006 there was a massive storm sweeping its way across the nation and leaving in its wake floods, damage from tornadoes, and the bodies of those who were either not quick enough to escape its grasp or unlucky enough not to notice until it was too late. It seemed the entire mid-west was without power for two weeks in the middle of summer.

Rhayna had been asleep when the tornado blew through her property, she had not heard the rain falling, the lightning striking the trees around her home nor had she heard the thunder crashing overhead. She slept so sound that she hadn’t even heard the tornado moving up the road near her home in St. Peters, Missouri. She slept through the roof being ripped off her two-story home in the basement on the couch; having fallen asleep to repeats of Carnivale. She hadn’t heard the sound of cars, trucks, and mobile homes being tossed around by two very large EF5 twisters and a mobile home knocking over the great oak outside of her kitchen window as it plummeted 60 ft. to the ground.

She hadn’t heard the walls and floors rip themselves up under the force of the wind; the two tornados, swirling around with the cars and trucks in the air and she hadn’t heard a thing as they moved on and dropped a semi down through the middle of her home.

Nothing disturbed the sleep she was in, for she dreamt of her mother, father, and brother. In the dream they were telling her that it was time to come home and that she’d been gone for far too long but Inanna, refused their calls to her. They grew angry but left her alone, sure that she would change her mind and come home soon.

The only thing that woke Rhayna was the feel of a drop of water that fell on her cheek as she lay beneath the rubble of her home. She opened her eyes to see jagged and sharp blades of wood pointed at her face. The tire of a semi pinned her to the couch on which she slept. All was dark and the sounds of the house’s weakened structure echoed around her. For the first time in her life, she felt fear and gripping pain as the truck’s tires grew heavier and heavier on her legs sinking further down into the basement. Rhayna’s home was the only house on the block to be ravaged by the tornadoes. It had hit the other residences too but not to the degree that it had hit Rhayna’s. They lost shingles and siding, maybe trees were uprooted or cars overturned but nothing like what had happened to her; as if they had somehow been directed toward her.

The people of the neighborhood saw this and immediately went about their way of digging her out of the debris. Rhayna could hear them overhead. She could hear them discuss ways to remove the semi, ways to dig another way in to pull her out from beneath it and ways to get her food and water. That’s when it had dawned on Rhayna that she was in more trouble than she first thought.

She lay there praying to the Creator that He would intercede and help the people get her out before she perished, she prayed hard and long; then before she knew it minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days. Her body grew weaker with each day she went without “food”. It was her nature and habit as a succubus to eat twice a day for breakfast and dinner. Missing a day of nourishment was like missing a week and she had gone without food for 2 days while the police, fire department, and local electric company tried to figure out a way to remove her. She heard the voice of a woman tell a police officer that her screams for help had stopped the day before and that there was a very real possibility that the rescue mission was now a recovery. Rhayna in her weakness found a broken pipe and began to beat the truck’s tire rim as best she could to send up noisy echoes of her survival. It was on the third day that a crane had arrived to remove the debris that was her home. The crane would have been there sooner but a portion of the county’s road had been flooded and they couldn’t risk losing the crane to the water.

Rhayna felt her heart weaken, its beats slowing to that of a metronome set on its lowest pace. It felt as though her face had sunken in and that her cheek bones were protruding. She feebly lifted her arm into a small shaft of light and began to weep at the corpselike limb she saw. In the dark, off in the distance she could hear voices calling her name, telling her to come to them and when she looked toward the direction of the voices – she saw Samael, crouched in a squat with his fingers interlaced while his elbows rested on his knees, fingers beneath his chin eyes glowing in the dark. His enormous dark wings flat against his back as he squatted with a look of extreme pleasure on his face. He told her that watching her perish would bring him great pleasure since she was the closest thing he had to watching Lilith die. Samael laughed as the crane began to lift the rear of the semi out of the hole.

“Rhayna Mae Hemm. Cute. Very cute, very fitting for one such as you. Looks like the only ones causing all the trouble around here is the family. By the way, how IS your dear mother these days?” Rhayna frowned and turned her head away.

“Ahhh. Speechless. I tend to have that effect on people, in your case – monsters. Yeah, well it’s not every day that one is confronted with Death. No – wait – it is.” He smiled menacingly at her and blew her a kiss as he watched the life began to fade from her eyes and her will to live cease to be. Samael moved to a dark corner and shrouded himself in black smoke as he awaited Inanna’s spirit to rise up. The semi was moved just enough for the tire to free her legs and for a rescue worker to slip into the hole to get to her.

Samael seethed in the corner as he watched the EMT bend down to listen to the heart of the woman for whom he mistook to be elderly. Rhayna smelled his sweat in her nostrils and felt his breath at her neck. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she took the scent of him deep within her lungs. She placed one hand on the back of his neck and lifted herself slightly to run her dried tongue across his cheek. The EMT calmed her, calling her “ma’am” and told her to stay still and that he would find a way to get them out. He asked if she were hurt and she nodded yes. He asked her to show him where and she gestured at her waist, her nightgown plastered to her body with blood and sweat.

The EMT lifted up the skirt of Rhayna’s nightgown and was blinded by a radiant light that emanated from her pelvis. He couldn’t take his eyes off of it and when he looked at Rhayna again she appeared in his eyes to be younger and not the old woman he’d seen before. She beckoned him with her mind to drink of the light. The EMT removed his hat, took off his shirt and kissed Rhayna passionately on the mouth then drank of her light.

Samael watched, cloaked in the shadows and smoke of the dark as Rhayna consumed the rescue worker. He watched as she fed and made her body stronger. He smoldered with anger as the chance for vengeance upon Lilith had escaped him and he left Rhayna in the dark – there were others he needed collect but before he left. He told her…that even she had an expiration date and she told him in a weakened voice that she was glad to know it.

Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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