X. It’s Not His First Rodeo… Of Dying, That Is

X. It’s Not His First Rodeo… Of Dying, That Is Samael lay in the street on his back, bleeding from his lip, ear, and nose with the massive expanse of his wings stretched out beneath him. The winds blew stronger than they had been earlier. Traffic signs bent under its pressure and a nearby trafficContinueContinue reading “X. It’s Not His First Rodeo… Of Dying, That Is”

IX. The Apple Fell Very Far From The Tree

IX. The Apple Fell Very Far From The Tree Lilith stood over Samael with one hand on her hip and the other twirling a long strand of her auburn hair while the rest was tossed wildly in the wind. She watched as Samael scooted himself away quickly across the pavement and further into the street,ContinueContinue reading “IX. The Apple Fell Very Far From The Tree”

It’s a hell’uva drug

Can I vent real quick this evening? Please??? Thank you. SO…it is known far and wide that your friend Ty (me) has possibly the worst sweet tooth known to womankind. Like, it’s insane when it happens. Anything from candy to cake is what I am immediately attracted to. If you’re made out of cake… you’reContinueContinue reading “It’s a hell’uva drug”