*Squints* X-Mas, that you?

It’s been a long day and I have yet to get some words in on my project. I’m kinda tired and could use a nap but it looks like I won’t be getting one. My grandson is due to come for a stay this evening and I need to be awake… man. Maybe I canContinueContinue reading “*Squints* X-Mas, that you?”

Olly Olly Oxen Free!!

Day 3 of Nanowrimo — And the words seem to be playing hide and seek.  I know of no way to flush them out from their hiding places,  so I suppose the hunt is on until I find enough of them to complete my project. I will sneak up on them when they reveal themselvesContinueContinue reading “Olly Olly Oxen Free!!”

Happy Nanoween!!…or November 1st

So I announced my Nanowrimo project and now I’m having a hard time deciding how it should begin. Should it be chronological or in medias res? Should the story be told in journal entries or through a series of letters or just writing??? Man…  I know I’m overthinking it. Speaking of overthinking… Today’s post isContinueContinue reading “Happy Nanoween!!…or November 1st”

Inktober Completed ✔

I made it! I did… it’s a lil late in the evening but I made it…here are the last few pics of Inktober. Day 28 – Crispy, an apple with a bite taken out of it. It looked better before I tried to blend the colors for the right color of red. Now it justContinueContinue reading “Inktober Completed ✔”