Inktober Day 10: Crabby

After life…

Aching to be set free from all that is around me

Tired of my surroundings and these things meant to bind me

Whenever I wish to rise up I am pulled back down…

Trampled underfoot, so as not to be different, I wear a frown

Hoping, even praying for a better outcome than this

Just to be happy and let the sun rest on my face is my wish

But I’m here in this place surrounded by so many that are comfortable with their lot

How I long and wish to put an end to this, and perhaps write a twist to this plot

I was once free and at my leisure to roam

My, how I miss the comforts of home

The days are long and so grows my despair

Why should weep or reduce myself to care?

This was all life had to offer – after it, nothing seems to exist

I am just another soul whose body continues to persist

Stuck in my thoughts – no expression to adorn my face

Everywhere is the same, there is no way to escape this place

Feeling under the weather, there’s no curing these blues

I don’t even have a mind to be different or have the wherewithal to choose

The sick grow sicker, life on this planet thins

I remember there being a time when I counted my sins

None of that matters now as I am without blame

I have come to this predicament an innocent, and there is no shame

Unhappy with a circumstance I cannot shed

But such is the life of one who is undead

It seems that where the hoard goes I must follow…

Our instincts now are to swarm rather than hunt

While others groan their hunger, I sigh and grunt

Reduced to baser instincts, the hunger grows minute by minute, day by day

And it is one that, no matter how much you feed, never goes away

If I were up to me, I’d end my misery now –

But put an end to the reason I still walk, how?

All my complaints mean nothing, there’s no advice worth giving

Everything has already been seen and said

Though it could be much worse, I could be amongst the living

There are worse things than being dead

Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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