Inktober Day 15: Armadillo

Today’s image is from reddit from user: blipitybopityBOO (click image to see… NSFW) To War! It had been an owl’s age since they’d seen home or been anywhere close to it. But this was just another day of compromise, false promises, loss, and piss poor leadership. Still, they trudged on with the hope of freedomContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 15: Armadillo”

Inktober Day 14: Empty

🎶”A, B, C, D, E, F…U”🎶 Empty words and shallow meanings dancing on the tip of your tongue. And all this time, I listened, believing I was the one who was in the wrong . Excuse after excuse laced with the lies you peddle make me believe you are worth your weight in gold…. EveryContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 14: Empty”