Nano and Short update

It’s been a crazy few weeks as far as everything is concerned. I’ve been trying to keep up with Nanowrimo… Where mostly everybody is crossing the halfway mark right now, I’m only now just hitting 15,000 words. It’s cool though. I’ve been doing a lot of writing by hand because it helps me stay inContinueContinue reading “Nano and Short update”

Quick Check-In

Surfing a high I’m sure to drown from. The story of me and my anxiety wrapped up in eight words. I had a friend ask me if I was bipolar the other day because to them, I seemed to be in a manic episode where there’s a lot of positivity, a lot of me doingContinueContinue reading “Quick Check-In”

Inktober Complete! And Some Updates

Working with blinders on helps me complete the things I need to complete. Not making any other posts or anything helped me maintain focus. In the end, I had fun and it was a challenge to keep up. Life was life-ing. I ain’t gon lie… ya girl bout said F it all. But persistance man…ContinueContinue reading “Inktober Complete! And Some Updates”

✨ Inktober Day 31 – Farm ✨

Bus of the Damned It was Halloween night and ten invitees were gathered at a local gas station in Eureka, MO. They were awaiting transportation to take them to The Fear Farm, a haunted attraction located 45 minutes outside of St. Louis. Patrons of the attraction were sent invitations via email with directions to theContinueContinue reading “✨ Inktober Day 31 – Farm ✨”