I live! Ty 2.0…Or something

I have survived knee surgery. It’s been a weird week of opioid induced dreams and tears because the swelling had me looking and feeling hideous. It was pretty bad. My entire leg was ginormous and it scared the crap outta me. I couldn’t figure out how to get the swelling to go down. I icedContinueContinue reading “I live! Ty 2.0…Or something”

Here we are again…

September 23rd, 2020 I had surgery on my right knee. It was the beginning of Covid and the end of sanity for many ..many people, self included. Tensions were high, nerves were frayed, and money and toilet paper was low but we managed to get through all of that. Not without issue but here IContinueContinue reading “Here we are again…”

Poem: The Plot Thickens

What story will you create for yourself? There were these things and people we came across in once upon a time land. And we knew not to follow them because their existence was everything that ours was not but they had depth to their plans. They had a certain knowledge that we lacked – thatContinueContinue reading “Poem: The Plot Thickens”

Poem: The Song of Sorrows

It’s just a song to you but what is rhythm without the blues? What is what you claim to know of my pain if you refuse to walk a mile in my shoes? People told us to get over our woes and trauma, as if that were an option to choose… while we make headlinesContinueContinue reading “Poem: The Song of Sorrows”

Poem: The Weapon

They made you into a weapon and told you to find peace… Molded your hands to make war but wanted your purpose to cease… Gave you every reason with ammunition to defeat those that gave you the trouble that remained… But wanted your undying devotion and love when it was time for their turn takeContinueContinue reading “Poem: The Weapon”