Inktober 2023: 25 -27 Dangerous, Remove, Beast

Rude Awakening Leleu had a rude awakening, the light from the hanging lamp swung to and fro, stinging her eyes. Her throat was very sore and on top of that… she couldn’t move. She looked down at her hands and saw that they were tied to the chair at her sides and there was aContinueContinue reading “Inktober 2023: 25 -27 Dangerous, Remove, Beast”

Inktober 2023:22-24 Scratchy, Celestial, Shallow

All Hallow’s Eve Poem On hallowed ground where nothing grows a garden fit for old ghostly bones hands that scratch and scrape at their confinements once held respected in life with sure refinements Of shallow graves, hauntings, and wicked spells some are oft to heaven, others destined for hell Those souls who are salvageable meet withContinueContinue reading “Inktober 2023:22-24 Scratchy, Celestial, Shallow”

Inktober: 18-21 Saddle, Plump, Frost, Chains

Damned if I do, Damned if I don’t “Ain’t no rest for the wicked,” what a fitting opener but…isn’t that what they all say? Seems to ring true of many…myself included. Who needs a day or weekend to rest when there is so much to do? Folks in this age call it “demon time” andContinueContinue reading “Inktober: 18-21 Saddle, Plump, Frost, Chains”

Healing… stuff and more stuff

What have you been working on? Mystery virus persists. I want very much to be well and over thus junk. Someone said something to me last week that has had me thinking all day, “What if it turns into pneumonia?” Dammit of all the things my mind could latch on to, it would be that.ContinueContinue reading “Healing… stuff and more stuff”

The curse of invisibility

What’s something most people don’t know about you? Something most don’t know about me is my secret identity as… the invisible woman. I used to think it was an awesome ability when I was younger… to be able to disappear in a room full of people… into thin air while wearing a hoodie and jeans.ContinueContinue reading “The curse of invisibility”

All That Glitters Pt. 4

(Inktober: 16 & 17 – Angel, Demon) Travel Log Entry #10 A great trembling of the earth forced me awake on yet another moonlit night. She sits high in the sky always close enough to touch yet so far out of my reach…like the treasure. Every night she reminds me of just how small IContinueContinue reading “All That Glitters Pt. 4”

All That Glitters Pt. 3

(Inktober: 12-15 Spicey, Rise, Castle, Dagger) Travel Log Entry #7 It is midday and my thoughts drift to the awful way we came to acquire the map. We were resting and entertaining ourselves in a tavern of one of the colonies when I was coaxed into a game of cards. I noticed a seafarer, whoContinueContinue reading “All That Glitters Pt. 3”

All That Glitters Pt. 2

(Inktober 6-11: Golden, Drip, Toad, Bounce, Fortune, Wander) Travel Log Entry #1 What does it mean? “To Dodge death, one must become it”. It puzzles me to no end and sends chills through my core. I struggle to find meaning or make sense of such enigmatic words. My peace of mind seems to unravel withContinueContinue reading “All That Glitters Pt. 2”

Updates… Blogtober…yeah I know, I know

I’m here. I’m okay… just trying to kick the last of the mystery virus. And NOW…I have flu symptoms. Fun stuff. My voice keeps going in and out. And my throat is sore. So yeah… great fun to be had. But I’m okay. I have been writing and I am gonna get that stuff postedContinueContinue reading “Updates… Blogtober…yeah I know, I know”

*sigh* Taking many hits…

I have fallen ill. Soo there’s a new virus making its rounds, so new it has yet to be named or given a vaccine. And with the luck I have, I managed to get it. I suspect it was delivered by one short and bossy 2 year old. The day he visited he wasn’t doingContinueContinue reading “*sigh* Taking many hits…”