Healing… stuff and more stuff

What have you been working on?

Mystery virus persists. I want very much to be well and over thus junk. Someone said something to me last week that has had me thinking all day, “What if it turns into pneumonia?”

Dammit of all the things my mind could latch on to, it would be that.

Can’t think like that but here I am giving the thought attention. I’ll be okay. It doesn’t feel like anything worse than flu symptoms. No fevers, cold chills, muscle aches, or cold sweats. All of that has passed. Just the annoyance of cough, mucous, and sore throat.

I’ll be okay. I’m drinking coffee and trying to keep from going back to bed. Got things to do today.


What am I working on?

– Inktober prompts

– Preparing for Nanowrimo

– Room arrangement (my space is a little cluttered)

– Finally…. finishing the edits on Wicked Games

– And will begin beta reading for a friend soon

Smaller projects include

– glue book/scrapbooking

– journaling

– short stories for Halloween

I have some ideas for the things I want to write but for some reason… poetry has been speaking loudly in my mind. Maybe I should give in to that.

It’s a chilly Sunday…I might just go ahead and have that nap. I need the rest. The coughs take a lot out of me.

Be at peace

Be at ease

And please…

Be good humans ❤️


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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