The Dewey Decimal System and You

I am a dinosaur… …and not one of the cool ones either. I’m the one that got ripped to shreds by a T-Rex. It uses my carcass as it’s footstool and my ribs to pick its teeth. I hope it chokes. Dude… speaking of other mean creatures that make me feel old… Sitting with myContinueContinue reading “The Dewey Decimal System and You”

I should…but I don’t

Do you trust your instincts? I never do and then I wonder why things don’t work out. Despite having positive results when I do listen to myself.. I still ignore that voice because it’s not what I really want to do. We learn quicker from hurt and failure than we do anything else…and it couldContinueContinue reading “I should…but I don’t”

“Do you wanna ride…”

For as long as I can remember radio and music have been a major part of my life. From a very young age to now, music moves me. Music… has even gotten me in trouble a time or two. I’m piping music through my ears right now with headphones and one of my favorite songs…ContinueContinue reading ““Do you wanna ride…””

My night…

Going over my edits with a fire crackling on my television to provide as little distraction as possible. Lol Wicked Games getting the love she deserves. This is the second half of the book. It’s in two huge binders. I should’ve had it printed front and back but I was convinced this way was better.ContinueContinue reading “My night…”

Poem: As of Now

Can’t stop these tears while looking out at all this heavy rain Just minding my reflection with this hurt – I call it a window’s pain Feet nailed to the floor, ten toes down for you Standing on my word but I ain’t saying nothing new Giving credit where credit’s due and you’re delinquent PayContinueContinue reading “Poem: As of Now”

Poem: Juliet’s Refrain

Heartache, thy name is eternity For this pain lasts longer than any What can you give me that I have not yet owned? Show your fare. If love were the reason for this hurt, I’d swear it was never there. You can give me no music my ears have not yet heard Unless it isContinueContinue reading “Poem: Juliet’s Refrain”

Marveling at life…

The last time I remarked out loud to anyone willing to listen, mainly God, that my life was boring and mundane …schizophrenia made itself known. Can’t be bored if you’re in a constant battle of wills with your own mind. Cannot indeed. A few moments ago… while a song was playing on YouTube that isContinueContinue reading “Marveling at life…”

Have you seen my life?! Yes, I do!

Do you need time? Are you going to give it to me? May I have three wishes with a side of luck with that? Yeah I need time because of the inexplicable way time is moving is killing me. Believe me when I tell you that I thought today was Tuesday. And the way timeContinueContinue reading “Have you seen my life?! Yes, I do!”

Are you there God? It’s me…Ty

What will your life be like in three years? Hey Lord, Ummm…I know we’ve discussed my addressing you in public spaces like this before but I really feel like this is the perfect question, awesome opportunity, and the time is as good as any to talk to you. I know… I know there’s a timeContinueContinue reading “Are you there God? It’s me…Ty”