The End of Inktober and Blogtober

Happy November!

Thoughts about Inktober and Blogtober…

I don’t think I did as well as in former years, this year just didn’t allow the time and energy for anything more so I cheated a bit. I had to or else it wouldn’t have happened and I really wanted to get prepared for Nanowrimo, which starts today. 

I haven’t been writing poems and short stories in a little while here on the blog and I really have no excuse other than my mind has been on other things and time was an issue. Contending with life, babies, energy deficiency from mystery viruses, and your mind turning on you from time to time kinda kills the writing mood. But I pressed on to get something done. Even if it meant compiling a few of the prompts together. I like what I put out, the small series ‘All That Glitters’ was my favorite one. It detailed a sailor who came by a map in a rather nefarious way and a treasure that may or may not have existed. It was a cool thing to put together and I enjoyed writing it.

So now that we are in the month of November I’m preparing for my first night of writing “wrecklessly”.  Nano’s words, not mine. 😆 This year should be a lot easier since I’m not creating a whole new work but finishing the ones I’ve started. 


Wicked Games: Love & War (which has been going on for forever but that ends this year.)

The Night Show (may get a new title because I want something more attention grabbing)

Omni (might get an official start)

I’ll be trying to follow this chart throughout the month to try to meet my word count, which won’t be the full 50k.


I’m shooting for 10,000 words in my revisions – so I’m not doing much. I’ll be completing my project…finally. When I’m done with Wicked Games, I’m gonna try to get to the other passion project that I want to complete, The Night Show. I plan to work smarter…not so much harder. If I can break it up into doable sprints I can get them both done. Last but certainly not least, Omni will come out of the idea phase and be committed to paper.

So because I completely failed at Blogtober, I think I’m gonna try again this month…maybe a few days of the week if I feel up to it. It would help warm me up for the writing sessions, and plus, I like blogging. I just don’t have things to say every day. So we’ll see.

Here is this year’s announcement poster…


It’s cute. And it has a tiny judgemental editor there in the lower right hand corner. He or she is apparently off the clock in this picture but we all know that editors like them, don’t like it when we aren’t working… at least not at the scritches and rubbies and treat fetching.

Aren’t they supposed to work for us? How did we end up working for them? That’s with any four legged creature… cat or not. When did we become their butlers or handlers or indentured servants?? Someone needs to look into that. 

Anyhoo… that’s that. I have to get ready for my writing session. Blogging always helps warm up my hands and the music helps lubricate my mind so I’m off to a good start.

You guys be good, if you are of the pumpkin spice brood – have at it. It’s caramel apple everything over this way or hot cocoa… I can’t believe we’re already in this season. It was just summer last week! Did everyone have a good Halloween? It was ridiculously cold and windy here last night and we had approximately ZERO trick or treaters. They were smart enough to stay inside and I don’t blame them. Also, there were a lot of trunk or treat events happening around the city so those got a majority of the kids as well.

It’s all good, we have candy for those who happen to have the world’s worst sweet tooth (raises hand). Alright loves, y’all have a good night and …

Be good humans! ❤


(There’s a post in my drafts that I really need to edit and get posted so that might be one of the things we’ll see in November…if I can get my crap together.)

Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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