NaPoWriMo Bonus: Love In The Time Of Corona Pt. 1 (Poem)

In the beginning, there were seeds that gave birth to fear and panic after they were planted into the ground. We harvested their fruits, as they grew from the vines of adversity and watched as the vine circled the globe as it wove its way around. There were thorns and prickly things that caused usContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo Bonus: Love In The Time Of Corona Pt. 1 (Poem)”

Bonus: Writing on the Wall

Dear Me, I hope you’re paying attention, I just want you to open your eyes then sit and listen. I’m tired of the way you treat me when I’m just trying to exist. It’s like you have a boatload of issues with me on your list. You’ve given me shit time and time again. ItContinueContinue reading “Bonus: Writing on the Wall”

Bonus Poem: From Hell to Heaven

I mean well but fear I’ve just paved a wide path with my good intention. Knocking on Heaven’s gate looking for honorable mention. Keeping hope alive as I arrive – there before my maker…listening to the devil yell as he shoves me forward – “Here! Take her!” Blind to faith, blind to sight – blindContinueContinue reading “Bonus Poem: From Hell to Heaven”