IV. Story Time

IV. Story Time In the pictures she had on Facebook her eyes had been brown and they were still brown but they were doing something funky. It seemed to Russ that her eyes – the color parts of them were swirling around the pupil. Like those old hypnotists wheels in cartoons, only these were theContinueContinue reading “IV. Story Time”

III. Awkward

III. Awkward They rode in silence for a little while. Rhayna watched the urban landscape roll by while Russ every once in a while tossed a glance in her direction – taking her in to his eyes. He wondered how she managed to arrive at the bar safely and un-harassed. Then thought that maybe sheContinueContinue reading “III. Awkward”

… So…you guys wanna read something weird?

I’ve been kinda excited to do this for a while now but never really had the umm… courage to do so. Today and over the next few weeks I’m going to be uploading chapters of a book I wrote back in the daaaaaaaark days of mental illness (when schizophrenia was making itself known and settlingContinueContinue reading “… So…you guys wanna read something weird?”

Body Language / Day 11 and Thank you for your service, Veterans!

I want to be fluent In the language of you Learn you subtleties Love the things you do   Body awareness, mental attraction But you could care less about – My  thoughts and physical reaction   Let me love the shape of you Get to know you better I promise to follow your instructions WordContinueContinue reading “Body Language / Day 11 and Thank you for your service, Veterans!”