Inktober Day 1: Gargoyle

Nocturne Darkness rests upon the Earth in a veiled shroud of mystery And I come alive, Awakened in every sense as I come into being Day is gone, yet I thrive. Watching them watch me as they go on by Aware are my senses, I listen as I spy Evil rests upon their hearts andContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 1: Gargoyle”

Day 1 of Inktober and Blogtober… I’m late ðŸ˜‚

First… Happy October!  It’s going to be a busy month with Inktober, Blogtober, and novel revisions… wonderful! I’m looking forward to it though. What I am attempting is a submission for Inktober and Blogtober with the prompts from Inktober creating short stories like I did a couple of years ago.  My drawing skills need workContinueContinue reading “Day 1 of Inktober and Blogtober… I’m late ðŸ˜‚”

November 1st – Nanowrimo in full effect!

Well hello there! It’s been a while, yes? Yeah…well, look at you guys being all responsible and junk. There were no reports of marker sniffing, running with scissors or burning down WordPress! You guys are awesome. Left in my hands WordPress might look something like …. Because….fire. It’s sooo pretty. So ladies and gentlemen…today startsContinueContinue reading “November 1st – Nanowrimo in full effect!”