Blogmas Day 10 – The Secret Santa of St. Louis

Every year I visit the Goodwill around Christmas looking to luck up on a bargain. Usually, I’m on the hunt for big bags of yarn and other craft supplies for my personal stash and am always pleasantly surprised. And every year… I am just minutes from missing Secret Santa. Secret Santa is man we believeContinueContinue reading “Blogmas Day 10 – The Secret Santa of St. Louis”

Inktober Day 10: Crabby

After life… Aching to be set free from all that is around me Tired of my surroundings and these things meant to bind me Whenever I wish to rise up I am pulled back down… Trampled underfoot, so as not to be different, I wear a frown Hoping, even praying for a better outcome thanContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 10: Crabby”

Pattern (Day – 10)

I didn’t like it. From the very first moment I saw it, I thought that a house as beautiful as this …could be burned down by my hand….all due to a wall. It had a smell. An awfully horrible smell. Like ammonia and ashtray. Like pee and garbage. Like mothballs and peppermint. Like old memoriesContinueContinue reading “Pattern (Day – 10)”

The Treatment / Blogtober: Day 10 / Lord Help Me…

It feels like loud static and grinding in my bones, the worse it gets the more I want to be alone. Trying to face a day full of grey and rain – but there’s no way I can move with this excruciating pain. It started low in my back and crept down my thigh, itContinueContinue reading “The Treatment / Blogtober: Day 10 / Lord Help Me…”