Inktober Day 18: Scrape

Beware the Dark It’s infected. I know it is, she thought. Her heart thumped wildly in her ears as she ran, winded toward the end of the alleyway. She knew he or it was several feet behind her but it felt as though whatever or whomever it was, was breathing hot heavy down the backContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 18: Scrape”

Misfit (Day 18)

YOU were the piece to my puzzle that wouldn’t fit. But somehow, some way you worked your way into it. Now the other pieces – my family, my job, my friends, and my home – have shifted, now I’m left all alone. What I gave up to make you a part of my life. IContinueContinue reading “Misfit (Day 18)”

October Sidewalks/ Blogtober: Day 18 / October Observations

I feel the crunch and smell the colors, ripened apples and gumball sweetness, walnut groves and cinnamon sticks, combine in the scents of fall. The cool crisp breeze, the swaying of the trees, the sun setting gold, high in the leaves, On oak and maple’s peak. Burnt apple wood and birch, crows sitting on theirContinueContinue reading “October Sidewalks/ Blogtober: Day 18 / October Observations”