Blogmas Day 22 – Winter Weather

One of my favorite things to do in cold weather is to pile blankets on my bed for added warmth. Currently, I have a weighted blanket, a crocheted blanket I made myself (it’s ugly but does the job well), and a comforter. I have these three things on my bed and it’s still cold inContinueContinue reading “Blogmas Day 22 – Winter Weather”

Inktober Day 22: Heist

Guess Who Every night, all over the world I go out in search of my treasure. But I only take the good ones. Only those in pristine condition by my standards, of course, get my attention. Those not given to rot or decay and have been cared for during their time of use, are myContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 22: Heist”

Ghost (Day 22)

I haven’t been myself. In the present I dip back on the life I lived because – I’m wishing by some chance that I would be afforded the opportunity to change what was. I simply know no other way to get over this pain, to be free to think and feel and be me again.ContinueContinue reading “Ghost (Day 22)”

Expression / Blogtober: Day 22 / Busy Day

Some words were never meant to be shared, like some poems, people just don’t care. Thoughtful mixtures of emotions wrapped in prose are often overlooked or left behind – things like Love lingers on the tongue and permeates the chaotic mind… to give relief to the storm that rages inside – so we purge ofContinueContinue reading “Expression / Blogtober: Day 22 / Busy Day”