Inktober Day 26: Ego

 Out of Sight, Out of Mind (This is not my art. I was inspired to write this story by looking at this image. Full props and credit go to the artist, @u/lnnuDoggy89…. found on Reddit. Tried to post the embed but it kept disappearing.) Ego is the worst enemy of peace and will cause youContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 26: Ego”

Dark (Day – 26)

  I didn’t like the way the place looked. Sure on the outside, it looked like a regular hospital that had strong church ties in the architecture but on the inside? The lights had an eerie greenish hue to them that hung overhead, paint and wallpaper seemed to be yellowing due to age, and theContinueContinue reading “Dark (Day – 26)”

Failure to Communicate / Blogtober: Day 26 / Saturday Soul

Listen to learn instead of replying to lie. We either live by truth or to falsehoods we die. Hear me when I speak instead waiting for a chance to have a rebuttal, your motives aren’t clear, your intentions are too subtle. I hear it all in the aggression of your voice, but then you speakContinueContinue reading “Failure to Communicate / Blogtober: Day 26 / Saturday Soul”