Inktober Day 28: Camping

The Cold Jason and Morris walked the small trail from the mess hall to the bonfire where five other teenage camp counselors were gathered. Morris fumbled with the bags of marshmallows in his hands when he noticed his wrist felt a bit lighter. He stopped in his tracks and looked down to the dark soilContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 28: Camping”

Ride (Day – 28)

“Miss…we need you to tell us what happened, in as much detail as possible. Leave nothing out.” “Sure, what do you want to know? Like, where should I start?” “The beginning is fine…Miss??” “Melisenda, Mel…you can cut out that miss stuff, I’m no old lady.” “Okay…Melisenda…” “Mel!” “Alright then…Mel…begin.” “Well, Chance and I …first off,ContinueContinue reading “Ride (Day – 28)”

Blogtober: Day 28 / Where is the time going? Make it stop!

I don’t know about you, but I need time to slow down a bit. This rushing to the end of the month is ridiculousness and it’s making my head spin. Goodness! SUPER Short post tonight. I’m playing catch up with some writing. I’ve just posted made my post for day 26 and now I’m goingContinueContinue reading “Blogtober: Day 28 / Where is the time going? Make it stop!”