Day 3 of Nanowrimo

So… I greatly underestimated my ability to jump back into this novel after having had it on the back burner for so long. It took a little coaxing of my muse …she no longer drinks and is therefore very moody…but we eventually got there. The first 100 words were tough because I kept wanting toContinueContinue reading “Day 3 of Nanowrimo”

Blogmas Day 3 – Gift Giving

It’s the most – debatably –  wonderful time of the year… WordPress is still asking me what my feelings are about eating meat… I answered yesterday.  What you can’t see in the photo is that the words are grayed over and I can’t erase them…. So I’m hoping that means they won’t show up whenContinueContinue reading “Blogmas Day 3 – Gift Giving”

Day 3 – Vessel

We all start off as one thing but end up as something else. Take humans for instance – they start off as single cells, evolve into people and eventually turn to dust. Throughout their lives they try to find ways to fit in. Social circles, jobs, marriages… the world. But sometimes the things we’re tryingContinueContinue reading “Day 3 – Vessel”

Bait (Day – 3)

Pumpkin lights hung lit up in a row on the awning of the porch with a warm glow. Inviting…enticing trick or treaters to her home. She’d been careful to cut nice happy nonthreatening faces into the pumpkin that sat nice and plump in the yard and lined the steps to her door. Everything was thoughtContinueContinue reading “Bait (Day – 3)”