Inktober Day 30: Gear

This Writer’s Brain The wheels and cogs turn as I sit and think of what to say these things seem to never work out or go my way reaching and grabbing at words to make cohesive phrase most times I’m left wondering if my poetry is just a phase Ideas form and solidify in theContinueContinue reading “Inktober Day 30: Gear”

Catch (Day – 30)

It was a disease that no one saw coming. People were dropping like flies and those who hadn’t perished due to its incurable nature, the effects of it caused several symptoms that were very hard to deal with. Of course, there were your unicorns. Those born with some type of genetic mutation who had theContinueContinue reading “Catch (Day – 30)”

Blogtober: Day 30 / We got ðŸ‘»ðŸ‘»ðŸ‘»

Man…we’re here, one day away from the end of Blogtober. And all that stands in between us and the first day of Nano is …tomorrow. I’m as prepped as I’m gonna be. I got things together and I’m working on a super loose outline. Today was ….eventful. First, let me tell y’all about last night.ContinueContinue reading “Blogtober: Day 30 / We got ðŸ‘»ðŸ‘»ðŸ‘»”