Inktober 2023: 28-31 Sparkle, Massive, Rush, Fire

The Living Dead Massive hordes of them Stumbling about this desolate earth Mother Nature’s given up her children So far beyond their origins or worth Considered husks of their former selves This life is ever-fleeting Gone but not forgotten Searching for some meaning In phases – a sparkle of light It raises – a glimmerContinueContinue reading “Inktober 2023: 28-31 Sparkle, Massive, Rush, Fire”

The Crimes of My Youth

Do you know who you’ve been reading?! I’m wanted in 15 counties, 49 states and, 125 countries AND about 5 libraries across St. Louis! I’m a hardened criminal! You think you’ve done time….. I’ve done time! I was spent an entire summer on lockdown because I was an unruly, out of control brat with noContinueContinue reading “The Crimes of My Youth”