Inktober Completed ✔

I made it! I did… it’s a lil late in the evening but I made it…here are the last few pics of Inktober. Day 28 – Crispy, an apple with a bite taken out of it. It looked better before I tried to blend the colors for the right color of red. Now it justContinueContinue reading “Inktober Completed ✔”

More Inktober… we’re in the homestretch

Let’s get right into it… Day 17 – 18, Collide and Moon… were done in the same drawing and I had a lot of fun making this one. So because I was drawing space, I absolutely had to add an Among Us avatar. I almost had the flames eating through his leg and showing aContinueContinue reading “More Inktober… we’re in the homestretch”

Hide Nor Hair…

Hello, my name is Ty and I’m a chronic slacker… kind of. Well here’s the thing, while I was doing Inktober, another project was given to me to be completed before November 1st so that’s what I’ve been doing. What is that project you ask?? Making a blanket. My aunt has commissioned my services. ItContinueContinue reading “Hide Nor Hair…”

Day 8 – Watch

On a hill high above everyone else we lay in the grass and built our castles in the sky, alongside those stunning diamonds twinkling, dazzling our curious eyes. We watched with utter amazement and perfect clarity our world become incredibly small. The stars were within arm’s reach, not very far at all. We saw beyondContinueContinue reading “Day 8 – Watch”

Day 7 – Fan

There were many times Mina came up lucky at her favorite store, this day was no different. The shop which she adoringly called “GW” when asked where she acquired such fabulous finds, slipped off the tongue like many high-end stores in the city. Only this was far from one of those posh places. She wasn’tContinueContinue reading “Day 7 – Fan”

Day 6 – Spirit

Spirit: I was born of the fabric of the universe, the stars my home And long to return from when I came, no longer set to roam I came from a place where others like me share the same name Oh, how I long to go back from whence I came We’ll all find eachContinueContinue reading “Day 6 – Spirit”

Day 5 – Raven

Old Ben was an old soul with even older secrets. One who knew much and spoke very little later in life. Who would believe his tales had he chose to share them? Very few. His parents once remarked when he was young that he was an old soul – and how right they were. AsContinueContinue reading “Day 5 – Raven”

Day 4 – Knot

Everyday when grandma felt a little off She picked up her work, a crocheted cloth As her thoughts ran free and her anger built She sat to work every day on her woven quilt With profane words she worked the stitch Until she cured her mind of that angry itch She worked and worked, herContinueContinue reading “Day 4 – Knot”

Day 3 – Vessel

We all start off as one thing but end up as something else. Take humans for instance – they start off as single cells, evolve into people and eventually turn to dust. Throughout their lives they try to find ways to fit in. Social circles, jobs, marriages… the world. But sometimes the things we’re tryingContinueContinue reading “Day 3 – Vessel”

Day 2 – Suit

I was standing at the bar when he walked in – rubbing the scruff of his narrow chin. Dressed to kill or be killed – take your pick, he fit the bill. His boot spurs clanked to the bartender as he swabbed a glass – then he made eyes with a working girl as sheContinueContinue reading “Day 2 – Suit”