NaPoWriMo Bonus: Love In The Time Of Corona Pt. 1 (Poem)

In the beginning, there were seeds that gave birth to fear and panic after they were planted into the ground. We harvested their fruits, as they grew from the vines of adversity and watched as the vine circled the globe as it wove its way around. There were thorns and prickly things that caused usContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo Bonus: Love In The Time Of Corona Pt. 1 (Poem)”

NaPoWriMo: #30 End of Story

In the beginning, we spoke of heartache and pain, and of truths too hard to ignore – but where we are now is special and worth so much more. Stories of betrayal and deceit give way to forgiveness and reconciliation, stories of mental imprisonment and spiritual bondage brought us freedom in a declaration. Past historiesContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #30 End of Story”

NaPoWriMo: #29 Knock, Knock

I am the wish you want to come true I am the one that calls out to you I am the day you wish would never end I am the night you wish were your only friend I am the answer to the question you sought out I am the whisper you need when allContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #29 Knock, Knock”

NaPoWriMo: #28 The Devil You Know

I waged a one-woman war with every living thing in my path, ensuring myself of victory I collected their heads last. And lay their carcasses at the feet of my Creator who told me that he was no longer my Savior due to my disposition, conduct, and ill behavior – I was cast out ofContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #28 The Devil You Know”

NaPoWriMo: #27 In The Deep End

Safely wading in kiddie pools looking for reasons to impress you While you float carefree in the deep end my eyes undress you I wanna be where you are at one with the water your voice like the fluid you’re in I wanna be where you are as close as the water that drenches yourContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #27 In The Deep End”

NaPoWriMo: #26 Concussed

Knocking, rocking holding tight to waist, hips, thighs fingers through hair locking eyes sweat on skin moving deeply within thrust, release breaths increase head meets intricate woodwork lose me, lose you now we’re through our bodies hurt come to rest head on chest concussed    

NaPoWriMo: #25 No Reservations

No lines and there’s no waiting for this love that you could be taking, forever stating my position like a lawyer on the defense yet you refuse to acknowledge these feelings which make no sense   You have reservations for a relationship that is yet to be, when all I’m really asking and wanting isContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #25 No Reservations”

NaPoWriMo: #24 Down the Line

I could feel the vibration of tribal drums bone-deep within my skin…A low rhythmic thrumming enticing me to listen and join in. I could see the vast array of pigment my ancestors dawned way down the line, tracing back as far as the dawning of the sun at the beginning of time. And they wereContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #24 Down the Line”

NaPoWriMo: #23 Pearls Before Swine

“Do not offer what you hold dear to someone who won’t appreciate it.” – paraphrase of  the idiom ‘casting pearls before swine’ – original text found in Matthew 7:6   I offered you wisdom you gave me the blues I offered you healing you gave me half-truths I lay at your feet a plan toContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #23 Pearls Before Swine”

NaPoWriMo: #22 Rapture

Our eyes were on God’s blue Heaven but we saw no sign. He returned while we slept in silence and suddenly there was no more time. The trumpets sounded and the angels came, some of us laughed at the things we saw… thinking it was all some elaborate game. Until…they realized what we all didContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #22 Rapture”