Creative Writing: Sins of the Father

Prudence was Jack’s daughter and would not mention the time or how she’d fallen out of its good grace. Simply, that she’d seen and done it all and there seemed to be little time to waste. Making false witness to blessings that never touched her or her life, she stood in the kitchen at theContinueContinue reading “Creative Writing: Sins of the Father”

Creative Writing: Blind Justice

I have no eyes to see all the lies you wish to spin. No ears to hear the deceit of your tongue or falsehoods therein. No mouth to tell you right from wrong – you know as much without hearing my song. I am blind for a reason so as not to treat friends differentlyContinueContinue reading “Creative Writing: Blind Justice”

NaPoWriMo: #30 End of Story

In the beginning, we spoke of heartache and pain, and of truths too hard to ignore – but where we are now is special and worth so much more. Stories of betrayal and deceit give way to forgiveness and reconciliation, stories of mental imprisonment and spiritual bondage brought us freedom in a declaration. Past historiesContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #30 End of Story”

NaPoWriMo: #20 Love Like War

A cyclone of dust swirled up and put distance between our warring hands – the thought of it feeding off our hate for one another didn’t occur until we both saw our devious plans..laid out before us like maps in the dirt or blueprints in the sand. This was no longer a loving home, itContinueContinue reading “NaPoWriMo: #20 Love Like War”

Ancient & Dizzy (Day 23 & 24)

The sign read, “Do Not Touch The Glass” with four exclamation points, as if yelling its warning to voyeurs as they passed by. Encased within the glass, resting on a velvet pillow, lay a perfectly round crystal eye. None like it seen in the world for over three hundred years, it sat in its caseContinueContinue reading “Ancient & Dizzy (Day 23 & 24)”

Poems: The Conversation / Made

I have moments where I sit off by myself and repeat my life’s eulogies, All the moments I died and what was taken away from me, I hear ongoing conversations between my subconsciousness and my higher power, Those are the moments I draw within myself, where I shake and cower. He says to me –ContinueContinue reading “Poems: The Conversation / Made”

In Care of Icarus / …Super Sunday Update

Flew too close to the sun….wings singed on bad decisions and I’m not done. Falling to pieces…coming together in a pile of regrets. Reconstituted of my tears, drained of my blood, and drenched in sweat. Is this what life actually begets? Following in the footsteps and flight patterns of the old man – got myContinueContinue reading “In Care of Icarus / …Super Sunday Update”

The wheels turn and turn… / Life Coach, Life

…lending thought to monumental ideas. Masterplans evolve in the face of adversity but the poverty of pocket is an awful reality. It takes currency to fulfill ideas and bring them to fruition. It takes real genius to do it without so much as a peep or mention. Step on the scene fast and with flairContinueContinue reading “The wheels turn and turn… / Life Coach, Life”

The Old Days/ And the truth…

The Old Days… We’ll skip to the good part – it’s a good place to start… …the part where we’re walking hand in hand down the middle of a dirty street during the dryest summer on record. Words like heatwave and drought are what fills the airwaves and news broadcasts and they’re right. It’s muchContinueContinue reading “The Old Days/ And the truth…”