Today… is Friday??

I was either living in the future yesterday or  rushing the weekend 😂. And nobody said a word! All day yesterday I said...happy Friday and no one corrected ya girl.  Hahaha! Imagine my surprise waking up to Friday instead of Saturday. The comedy. Anyhoo... I had a good day. The noise is now static whichContinue reading "Today… is Friday??"

Poem: #Shambles / Friday Stuff

Pieces of us, vision unclear... a puzzle. Stepped back to see the whole picture. Only a fraction of the truth was visible, we're undone. Left to continue on a table of mess and chaos - but all of us reside here... all of us laid out before us to piece back together, to make somethingContinue reading "Poem: #Shambles / Friday Stuff"

It all comes back to this…

Music. But before we get to that. I'm happy to be in the headspace to want to sit and write tonight. My brain has not been my friend these past few weeks. Had to have some couch time with my therapist and find some way of distracting myself from dwelling on all the ugly thoughtsContinue reading "It all comes back to this…"

Busy busy busy… but okay

Mother's Day is upon us and I've been a very busy little bee preparing for our activity we'll all enjoy tomorrow ..(all meaning me and the fam). Now, these are images I found on Pinterest and copied over onto canvas boards using carbon graphite paper. I work smarter, not harder.. lol I'm not selling theseContinue reading "Busy busy busy… but okay"

Why? 👀 / Beef in these Streets

What makes you nervous? When my ducks scatter to the four winds... When that stone meant for the birds hits me instead... When the bush is beating me... When there is no way to skin a cat... (and eww why would I) When no one understands what it is I'm trying to convey... It makesContinue reading "Why? 👀 / Beef in these Streets"

My voice…

...gets lost in a room full of those demanding to be heard ...gets lost in thought while I struggle to utter a single word ...gets lost amongst those who'd listen but only to reply ...gets lost in sadness and the tears that I cry My voice... ...only beckons to those who would deeply understand, thatContinue reading "My voice…"

Lazy Sunday

We're up to 90 degrees today. Right now as I speak, the neighbors are grilling, music is blasting, and cars are being washed. Summertime activities.  But I'm loving the warmth. Sure the AC is on because none of us want to sit inside a hot box. But when I venture outside to thaw out andContinue reading "Lazy Sunday"

Things I Put On The Internet pt. 2

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Let's take a trip back 14 years first. Yesterday's post was titled, Things I Put On The Internet, where I talked about something I posted on Facebook and my embarrassment about creating that post for viewers to see. While I feel like I no longer have thisContinue reading "Things I Put On The Internet pt. 2"

Poem: The Weather Inside

I see the clouds overhead The storm in your eyes Does it ever rain where you are, Or is it all a disguise? Fighting against right Ungrateful for what's left Trying to win a heart while Committing a great theft No one promised ease Of that much I'm sure We're all hard to please ForContinue reading "Poem: The Weather Inside"

Breathing / Things I Put On The Internet

Describe one positive change you have made in your life. I quit smoking in 2020. The pandemic scared the hell out of me and plus I had surgery on my right knee at that time and didn't want to complicate the procedure. It's been hard and yes, I have given in a time or four.Continue reading "Breathing / Things I Put On The Internet"