Sing to Me / The Passion / No Sleep, yet here we are wide awake…

We play harmonious melodies, ten thousand tunes sung with one voice, it’s never what the lyrics say or mean, but we choose to listen anyway, because we’ve made that choice. Starlight shines in our eyes, galaxies emerge in pupils bright, meteors rain from the heavens on this cool winter night. Come into me – toContinueContinue reading “Sing to Me / The Passion / No Sleep, yet here we are wide awake…”

Lessons / Y’all I don’t even know…smh

Swept up, swept under, swept away gathered together but torn asunder with no thought or delay. “It’s never too late to try again,” his lips said to me. All while showing his teeth to another and making plans to flee. The heart lies and the mind chooses what to believe, yet doubt everything that comesContinueContinue reading “Lessons / Y’all I don’t even know…smh”

Body of Illusion / Waking up to worry and overthinking

I loosened my grip on it for fear that it wouldn’t work, because the last thing I want to do is make it hurt, It wasn’t meant to be strangled or drained of life, it’s just a little heart and deserves to be treated right. It was slippery and wet, slid right through my hands,ContinueContinue reading “Body of Illusion / Waking up to worry and overthinking”

Unfair Affair / Life and Struggle.

Plenty gets noticed and nothing changes, so I reorder my thoughts in the hopes that I can somehow rearrange this Life. Who set this rock in motion – clashing into other planets causing such a commotion. I’m tired…of the way the world turns and how I always seem to get burned you’d think I’d beContinueContinue reading “Unfair Affair / Life and Struggle.”

The View From Here / Sunday: Rhythm and Words 🎶

Unreal, unremarkable me – couldn’t see the forest for the trees looked everywhere high and low but the leaves got in my way and nothing they would show I wanted to see the depth of the forest the needles on the earthen floor but these tall trees blocked me shielding my view even more IContinueContinue reading “The View From Here / Sunday: Rhythm and Words 🎶”

Pillow Talk / Awesome Stuff

Whispering promises under moonlight, we dare not speak them aloud – quiet as kept, the peace we keep won’t even make a sound. Your breaths give away your position as I seek to find the signals in your frame – just remember that when you see me, there’s no need to speak my name. WhatContinueContinue reading “Pillow Talk / Awesome Stuff”

Thief / Something’s In Here… /Radio Silence Broken…

A common thief stole it from me. And I almost didn’t notice until it was time to use it. So many have happened along my path and have tried to abuse it. I suppose, it wasn’t that important and had little value to me…but still, it was mine. And while I’m left sitting here withContinueContinue reading “Thief / Something’s In Here… /Radio Silence Broken…”

The Love Dare / #TeamMe….I guess 🤷‍♀️

How dare we be so nonchalant about love when there’s an ocean of stars between us? Lighting our way in the darkest night their own hearts can’t believe us. Each night they slip into our dreams – then fill our heads with things unseen. Oh, how I wish that we were able to understand allContinueContinue reading “The Love Dare / #TeamMe….I guess 🤷‍♀️”

The War Within /Plotting and Planning

I am a war gone silent, a sleeper cell in the making, I am a General gone rogue, seeking glory for the taking. Battle tested long from rested – I make plans for victory here, Scarred and barred from all the things that would have given me fear. I am a soldier on the frontContinueContinue reading “The War Within /Plotting and Planning”

Somewhere in the Wild West…

It’s Day 3 of Nanowrimo and I’m looking for… Words… Last I heard they were headed west, gathering for the day of reckoning and I’m on their heels. I can smell them in the air…they’re not far off now…I can feel it! I’ve been tracking them since Missouri. The longer I’m on this road theContinueContinue reading “Somewhere in the Wild West…”