Breathing / Things I Put On The Internet

Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

I quit smoking in 2020. The pandemic scared the hell out of me and plus I had surgery on my right knee at that time and didn’t want to complicate the procedure.

It’s been hard and yes, I have given in a time or four. But it’s not a constant thing. Like me and alcohol… it’s not something I can or want to do on a regular basis.

So yeah… there’s that. I’m happy with my decision to stop smoking. I can breathe a hell of a lot easier and I don’t sound like I’m breathing through Vader’s respirator and helmet when I take a flight of stairs.

My lungs appreciate my efforts to preserve them. I’m sure, Lol. My knees, however, curse my existence.

Soooo… was scrolling through the memories on Facebook and came across something that I’d forgotten I posted. And I nearly died. Twice.

First…I should tell you all that I follow a lot of clergy and they follow me. And at the time I posted this…..this umm… interesting tidbit, straight from the sense of humor of yours truly… my clergy peeps went silent. 😆 They didn’t unfollow me, they just judged me silently. Maybe even laughed and prayed behind it. I dunno 🤷🏽‍♀️

But I saw this and was like…. why did I post this?! I felt a little embarrassed actually…but what could I do? It’s on the internet now where it will live “forevah, and eveah, and evah.” (Spoken like the vicar from The Princess Bride)

So I thought it was funny enough to share here. And try to cure some of that embarrassment. We’ll see if it works…

Ba dum ching

Now that may not seem to be much to be embarrassed about. After all, men and women of the cloth weren’t born into their collars, cassocks, and vestments. They were and are very much regular people whose employment just so happens to be their calling… but still we put them on pedestals and think they should operate the way we think they should… and with that thought we assume there’s judgement and maybe there is. Again, I dunno. But maybe that judgment is more on our end than theirs.

But putting people on pedestals is a good way to find hurt. It is an impossible thing to live up to. Someone will always be disappointed. Which is why I don’t do that anymore. We’re all humans living on this rock and trying to make life better for ourselves (and each other, I hope). I don’t judge or hold people to impossible standards. It’s not fair to the person who still has life to live and learn… still has time to get better and improve on themselves.

Okay…enough of me being preachy. I’m no good at it anyway.

But am I the only one who does things like that post? Take something that exists and either corrupt it or give it another meaning?

I’ve done this with other movies and songs as well. Eventually I’ll move on to books and works of art.

Do I still feel embrassment?


Not so much now. No regret either.

Since the “scare”… that’s what I’m referring to it as now… I’ve been living outside of the box I put myself in and making sure not to be trapped by other’s snares.

It’s 2024. I’ll be celebrating a birthday in two months. I’m tired of performing the miracle of walking on eggshells without so much as a sound.

In order to leave a footprint, one must feel their full weight on the Earth so that she (Earth) may accept your presence as one who stood out. Make her feel you.

In your quests to live free and be the people you want and hope to be, be kind to others and gentle with yourselves and most of all…

Be good humans ❤️


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

2 thoughts on “Breathing / Things I Put On The Internet

  1. Lots to comment on. Love what you put on facebook. Bold. I have a tendance to put controversial (usually “woke” things) on Facebook. But since my (limited) group of friends, intentionally culled to be an echo-chamber, all think like me, I rarely get pushback. Although I do post everything publicly, so you never know. Also, on my facebook page, I post tourette syndrome awareness pieces that bring people back to my blog, and I have posted everything imaginable on my blog, so I’m an open book to anyone who’s interested. I’m sort of shocked I got my last job. I probably would have flagged myself as a potential risk.

    Regarding putting clergy on pedestals, I’ve long harbored a grudge against my childhood pastor, a friend of my parents, for commenting negatively on my girlfriend’s appearance at a party–not to her or me, but anyone else who would listen. I get that he’s just a person, as flawed as the next, but still, I expect him to be at least as good as me–not an incredibly high bar, and I would never do that.

    Hope you’re well, Tyronica

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    1. Facebook has become sort of a playground for me. Every once in a while I’ll talk about something serious, give a life update, and/or share some poetry but that’s hardly ever now. I mostly share memes and ask questions that people like to ignore. Well that’s not true, some will ignore and others play along.

      On preachers, I’ve had 2 step on my toes in my entire life and the current one is alright but she has some work to do, from my outside perspective, it seems like she’s not much of a people person. Which is weird given, you have a flock.. I don’t know. But my instincts and gut tell me that’s the case.

      The church world is a fascinating place. Full of politics, pandering, and protests. If you’d have asked younger Me if I’d be so involved… I would’ve screamed no from a mountaintop.

      I think they do tend to judge folks, a lot and treat them in ways that aren’t in alignment with what they are teaching. Ah, oh well.

      And thank you, Jeff. I am doing better. I’m trying to set up some strategic structure for myself. I don’t dare use the words ‘plans’ for fear that God will have a great laugh. Lol but that’s just me.

      Have a good weekend!

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