Things I Put On The Internet pt. 2

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Let’s take a trip back 14 years first.

Yesterday’s post was titled, Things I Put On The Internet, where I talked about something I posted on Facebook and my embarrassment about creating that post for viewers to see. While I feel like I no longer have this embarrassment, it was probably a bad idea at the time but I thought it funny.

It wasn’t terrible. Just a comedic observation  I made about a film.

Approximately 14 years ago today, I made another post that had little engagement with a classmate and this awesome guy I met on Facebook. As a matter of fact, that awesome guy inspired the character Russ from my book Of Flesh & Blood. If interested, the book is in my Works tab. I can’t link directly to the book as it is listed in chapters there. But here is a link to the first chapter. It was the first book I wrote as an adult while in the throes of schizophrenia.

It helped keep my mind off its state of decline and focus on something other than hallucinations. I’m much better than I was then. And have penned many a story, poem, and book… sometimes depicting my mental state and other times just playing in my imagination.

Of Flesh & Blood was a bit of both for me.

But back to it… the post I made in 2010, spawned from a Writer’s Block prompt that was on LiveJournal all those years ago. I used to post there quite regularly. There was a big change in ownership and content that caused a lot of people to leave and I decided to leave as well.

(I went to Xanga and from there to Wattpad, then from Wattpad to WordPress.)

The post only had two people to comment as mentioned before but I was happy one of them even got and understood my sense of humor.

My list is as follows…

My list has changed and I have yet to make it. I may add it at the end of this post.

The exchange with classmate and awesome guy….

I found that to be a very thoughtful question  and required the best answer I could give.

Me being me below…

Friends will be friends, honest and true…

Me and my ulterior motives ^^^^

Yes, a new religion where cookies reign supreme. While Oreo isn’t my first choice in high ranking cookies, 16 year old me would beg to differ. I listen to her from time to time. It helps me deal with reality…. hush! Lol

So. I saw this in my Facebook memories and saw how polarized the responses were. From just two people. And this has been a constant thing in my life. Some friends play along with me. They know my personality and my need to be creative as well as have a break from how incredibly tough life can be. Others think I’m too old to use my imagination and think I’m acting out. Or giving too much thought to silly things.


Like my name, I doubt that part of me will ever change. Welllllll… it may get worse 😆

10 years from now, hmm…


It was suggested that I write children’s books. It was a good suggestion and it might happen one day, but today is not that day. So we’ll see where I am 10 years from now. I pray it be in good health.

Today we write for adults. Or try to anyway. Today we live in the present with nice tight tether to our imaginations.

Speaking of adults playing in their imaginations… my friend Mitch Larkins wrote a book that I’ve been reading and it’s been pretty damned entertaining.

Available here it is also available as an ebook, which is how I’m reading it.

I think I’m halfway through the book and I’m loving every minute of it.  I just started reading it yesterday.

Today is movie day, with Imaginary as the film of choice. With all this talk of imaginations and stuff, we figured it would be a good watch. I’ll get back to my reading tomorrow.

Long post is long. Lol

So without further ado… off I go.

Have a good evening loves! 

Be good humans! ❤️


Ps. If I  finish the book tomorrow I’ll post about it here.

Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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