Today… is Friday??

I was either living in the future yesterday or  rushing the weekend πŸ˜‚. And nobody said a word! All day yesterday I said…happy Friday and no one corrected ya girl.  Hahaha!

Imagine my surprise waking up to Friday instead of Saturday. The comedy.


I had a good day. The noise is now static which I’ll take over evil sounding voices any day. Yeah it’s annoying but I’ll live. That’s the important thing, I’ll live.

I’ve been helping my son out with some stuff today. I make suggestions about things and he knocks it … only to come later on and do the thing I suggested.Β 

Okay, I guess. He was burning his wick at both ends and it was brutal to watch. I suggested NOT multitasking big issues but focusing on one big thing at a time and tackling smaller easier to handle things first.

Only one thing really has priority right now and that’s looking for employment which he did today. He’s a hard worker and has the know how to do many a thing. So he’s focused now.

I’ve been having some very different conversations with my kids. My son needs guidance and I offer that without telling him what he needs to do. He knows that already. I just help him problem solve. My daughter needed advice and to be talked down. Apparently she has two problem coworkers that are young and making her work life hard. They are teenagers, she is not.Β  She gets their behavior but doesn’t like the bullying that’s happening. So she’s having to deal with kids attitudes.

She says it’s weird because she’s not used to having adult issues like that.Β  She can’t believe that I’m referring to her as such πŸ˜‚ I told her, “Woman, you are no longer a teenager!” She got weirded out when one of them called her lady. She says it made her feel a way.

I told her wait till they start calling her miss and ma’am. Lol She’s so funny. I guess it’s all in how we view ourselves. She old enough to know that the 17 year olds she works with are still in adolescence and that high school is life right now for them.

But they’re in for a rude awakening.Β  There’s always a bigger fish ready to gobble up the one in front of it. It’s not Tieryn…but that fish does work with them. I told her not to spend the energy arguing with kindergarteners. You’re at work not school.Β  Be the adult. I also suggested she limit the after work activity with them, they have a groupΒ  chat. Might be wise to not engage with the trolls.

It bothers her more than it should.Β  But this is where she learns to deal with different personality types at different ages. Sux but yeah.

And Kai… my little minion has been having the worst meltdowns lately. Like this terrible twos thing is stretching into his 3rd year. Part of the problem is that he’s just now beginning to talk and be verbal. He still speaks gibberish but there’s actual words in there too.Β He’s unable to verbalize what is needed. So I always tell him to show me. And then he calms down.

Couple weeks ago he was visiting and had a four alarm meltdown complete with screaming, stomping his feet, throwing stuff, and swinging on people to hit us. I caught his fist and asked him to calm down.Β  That earned me a very loud NO. πŸ˜† So I asked him what he wanted.

Y’all… he took my hand and brought me into my bedroom and made me take a nap with him. From then on we practiced saying ..I’m tired and I’m sleepy. That was crazy. We were trying to figure it out. Nana thought something was hurting him and Teetee thought he lost something. And I thought… maybe he didn’t want to be here, like he wanted to go to his mom. But nah, turns out pooh bear was just sleepy.

Naps are serious bidness

Neither of my kids ever had a screaming fit like that. Pandemic babies man. He’s super smart just not as verbal as he should be. He gets frustrated a lot behind that. Hearing the word No isn’t really an issue either. He’ll pout for moment then go do something else.

I think we’re all in need of a vacation.Β  Right down to the baby bear.

Maybe summer will offer up some downtime for us. Even it’s just a staycation at a hotel or something. That would be nice too. I’m gonna look into that.

Hope everyone enjoyed their actual Friday. Lol. And I hope the weekend is everything you need and want it to be.

Summer is around the corner, get your flops, hats, sunscreen, sundresses, and sandals ready! Many of us might be housebound due to cicadageddon. They’re beginning to show up.


I like the sounds of summer, just not the looks of those things. I wish it were butterflies instead of cicadas. I’d love that.

Let me get going.

Good night and..

Be good humans! ❀️


Published by Tyronica Smith

I am an author. I write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and novels. Writing has been my release, my passion, and my medicine. I look forward to sharing the things I create with you.

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